Thursday, October 20, 2022

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C - Sunday, October 23, 2022 (EPISODE-388)


Readings for Sunday, October 23, 2022 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C
FIRST READING: Sir 35:15-17, 20-22
Ps 34:1-2, 16-17, 18+22. "The Lord hears the cry of the poor"
SECOND READING: 2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Luke 18:9-14). Alleluia, alleluia! God was in Christ, to reconcile the world to himself; And the Good News of reconciliation he has entrusted to us.
GOSPEL: Luke 18:9-14

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed.Stock Photo ID: 1999042286- VIENNA, AUSTRIA - JUNI 24, 2021: The fresco of the parable of Pharisee and the tax collector in the Votivkirche church by brothers Carl and Franz Jobst (sc. half of 19. cent.). Photo Contributor: Renata Sedmakova
Please listen to the audio recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers and homily) for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C - Sunday, October 23, 2022, by clicking this link here:  (EPISODE-388)
(On this weekend's podcast of the Mass, the gospel reflection will be given by Seminarian Bradley Davies, who is with us in the parish this year).

Here is Fr Paul's homily for that same week.
Our Church's Liturgical year is coming to an end soon. We have a three-year cycle of readings in which we hear from the three main Gospels in-depth, and this year that is coming to an end is the Year of Luke's Gospel...Year C. and it's been a wonderful journey. Next year's gospel will primarily be Matthew's Gospel. Each of them has a special focus. In Luke's gospel, we hear some of the most beloved parables that are not featured in the other gospels. Oh, and if you are wondering why there is a three-year cycle when there are four gospels, John's gospel is so significant for special times in the year that it features heavily within all three years, as well as augmenting the gospels such as Mark which are shorter than the others. So we get a very wonderful large selection of texts from all of the gospels over the three years. This weekend is another excellent and thought-provoking parable... the proud Pharisee and the humble tax collector. What matters most to God is what is within... what is in our hearts and minds... and how this flows out consistently into justice, kindness, compassion, and loving actions. 
The parables of our Lord combine together to build an extraordinary and beautiful picture of God's view of the world and God's people. The parables of Jesus, collected together in Luke's gospel, which we have been listening to throughout this year, create a clear picture of the Kingdom. For example, the parable of the Prodigal son, or the two sons who act like slaves and forget they are beloved sons of the Father, and even last weekend's gospel of the unjust judge, who does the right thing but for the wrong motive. The unjust judge didn't care about God or the poor widow but only did the right thing because he was sick of being annoyed and wanted to get the widow out of his hair. And of course, today's parable where the person who does everything right according to God's law, is offside with God because of the lack of charity and humility in his heart. The person labelled a sinner is at rights with God because he is humble and repentant and knows his utter dependence on God's mercy and grace.

I am deeply struck by the earlier parable of the prodigal son's older brother. He, too, has done everything right and worked on his father's property very diligently. But he is in the wrong because he acts more like a slave and not like a beloved son. he works begrudgingly and without love and is resentful and judgemental, and has lost concern and love for his brother. It takes a slave working for his father to try and explain the realities: "your father had to celebrate because he got his son back safe and sound." You know you are in trouble when you don't get something and the hired workers do. Same with the Pharisee in today's gospel, he does all the right things but not with the right spirit of love and of being an eager shareholder in the family of God, not just a resentful and judgemental slave who goes through the motions of faithfulness but who is quite unloving at heart. 

Today's gospel is about true inner humility.. and also refraining from judging others. The Pharisee in the gospel seemed a righteous and upright man who outwardly did everything God's law required….but inside his heart and mind, we discover that he was filled with pride and conceit and judgementalism. 

His actions were loveless and uncharitable, and he looked down on his neighbour who outwardly did not appear to be as righteous as the Pharisee seemed to be. 

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to anyone. the tax collector's mind and heart was actually much more close to God. He was penitent and humble.. and knew his place .. He recognised his absolute need for God's grace and mercy and that he did not deserve or merit God's love, and that God gave this grace and mercy out of love (as a loving parent does), and that all of us depend on God's generous love and mercy…

It is true, God does want us to be faithful co-workers for the Kingdom and eager, compassionate, loving ones at that. Of Course, God wants us to do the right things and avoid doing wrong, but first and foremost because choosing the wrong path is terribly bad for us and God wants only good for us. But as important as doing good is, just as vital is HOW we do this good and how we avoid the bad. The love with which we do this is an essential factor.

This gospel brings to mind the life of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, (the little Flower). Her famous 'little way' was built on such principles......It turns out that actually Therese always focused primarily on why and how one does the things they do. She also was too well aware, as Saint Paul writes, that it is possible to do great acts of bravery, sacrifice and good, but for a wrong motive - and without love in one's heart. 

Thérèse knew that a person can do kindness to someone not out of love but rather, out of pride or superiority. The action itself might be good, but it does not foster love within the person nor strengthen unity between God and ourselves. Such acts do no good whatsoever, (as St Paul puts it in his famous letter to the Corinthians). 

Also, a person can do something that can be mistakenly interpreted to be selfish or hurtful but where their inner intention and object were quite the opposite and was actually done with great love and out of concern for the good of another or to build up the love between God and ourselves.
St Thérèse gives an example of the time her superior asked her and another nun: "Which of you two would like to go and open the door to let in the man delivering the Christmas tree?" 

Thérèse (filled with love and concern) believed that her fellow nun would have loved to do this, so she rose from her seat slower than the other, slowly untying her apron, and putting up her hand after the other sister raised her hand. The superior, mistaking her motivation of her heart for selfishness, singled out Thérèse in front of everyone and said 'Aha, so Thérèse didn't want to go and do the hard work, so she responded slowly. No glory for you then!" 

Everyone assumed she had acted selfishly; but her inner motivation was not that at all. Her actions or others judgements on those actions did not reveal the true motivation of her loving heart. This is very revealing of the inner working of the heart attached to God. 

On top of this, and in the true spirit of the Gospel, Thérèse also determined never to try to justify or explain herself if wrongly judged; for she felt it would be her pride that would be trying to prove that she did not act selfishly. ironically, Thérèse would not have even shared this example to anyone in her writing s, except her Mother Superior ordered her, under her vow of religious obedience, to write down her life and insights as an act of absolute generosity. The head nun rightly judged that these secret insights from Therese would be enormously inspiring and helpful to other souls. So the sharing of these things, was itself a sacrifice which might have looked to some like self- promotion. 

So Thérèse showed that she had a healthy caution when it came to judging merely external acts. 

Outward appearances can be quite misleading and ambiguous. Thérèse also developed a healthy ambivalence to both receiving both compliments and receiving criticism or negative judgement from others. (Her previous experience had taught her that the judgements of others as to the state of her inner heart - or anyone else's heart - were quite unreliable, to say the least) – Only God truly and fully knows the human heart and its true motives. 

There is a little example that Thérèse cites which I love ………One day she was walking along and a nun said to her, "my… my, you are putting on weight, that is not God's will for us. ……" Thérèse nodded respectfully and kept walking. Then Thérèse met another nun as she continued along the same corridor and the older nun said to her: "My goodness child, you are so thin. Dear me you are wasting away. You are like a skeleton. God wouldn't want you to be skin and bones." Two completely opposite judgements within seconds of each other, based on incorrect assumptions from external appearances. And to both contradictory judgements Therese gently and lovingly nodded and continued on her way. (This is simply amazing and wonderful!).

Incidents like these underlined to Thérèse that she ought not rely on others opinions and judgements in order to get a sense of self-worth, that really comes alone from her identity as an infinitely beloved child of God and not by our own merits or virtues or what other people think of our hearts or motives. Thérèse also believed strongly in the scripture passage 'judge not and you shall not be judged.' 

Imagine three people looking at a person. Imagine that one of the three is God and the other two are ordinary people. One person might point to the subject person and say: "I see a saint!" and the other might say, "well, I see a sinner." Meanwhile, note how God answers in an entirely different way, coming from a completely different mindset and perspective. God says, "I see my dear child, - for whom I want only all that is good .... and whom love utterly."

Fr Paul W. Kelly
"Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux" (1898)
Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed.Stock Photo ID: 1999042286- VIENNA, AUSTIRA - JUNI 24, 2021: The fresco of the parable of Pharisee and the tax collector in the Votivkirche church by brothers Carl and Franz Jobst (sc. half of 19. cent.). Photo Contributor: Renata Sedmakova

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C (Sunday, October 23, 2022) (EPISODE-388)

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
{{How are you today}}

Coming together as brothers and sisters in Christ, let us prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries by recalling our sins and remembering Christs greater mercy.
Lord Jesus, you came to gather the nations into the peace of God's kingdom: Lord, have mercy// You come in word and in sacrament to strengthen us and make us holy: Christ, have mercy//You will come again in glory with salvation for your people: Lord, have mercy.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Ps 34:1-2, 16-17, 18+22. "The Lord hears the cry of the poor"

Luke 18:9-14). Alleluia, alleluia! God was in Christ, to reconcile the world to himself; And the Good News of reconciliation he has entrusted to us.

Memorial Acclamation
3. Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.
PREFACE: Sundays Ordinary IV
Euch Prayer One
Communion side:

(theme variation:

(welcome cycle-
(welcome 1) Good evening/morning. Welcome to this Eucharist as we celebrate the NNN Sunday in SSSSSS. Please take a moment to welcome those around you. (Pause). Thank you. Could you please check to see that your mobile devices are switched off or turned to silent. Our Presider tonight/today is Fr…………………………. Please stand as we sing our entrance hymn: "________")

(pre+post variation:
{Cheers and thanks everyone for this time of prayer and reflection - I hope you have a blessed week.}

Go forth, the Mass is ended.

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here:

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address: Subscribe to mailing list to keep up-to-date

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" - By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria, Copyright © 2011

- "Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of William John Kelly - Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly. Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

Sound Engineering and editing - P.W. Kelly.

Microphones: - Shure MV5 Digital Condenser (USB)

Editing equipment: NCH software - MixPad Multitrack Studio Recording Software
NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 12.44

Sound Processing: iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor

[Production - KER - 2022]
May God bless and keep you.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C . - Sunday, October 16, 2022 (EPISODE-387 )

Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish - Weekly Parish Mass - podcast of Eucharist, including readings, prayers, homily)

Greetings from Surfers Catholic parish!

Please find linked below the latest edition of the Parish weekly Homily and link to the (audio) podcast of the mass, especially produced for those who are unable to be with us at mass.

Many thanks,

The Parish Team

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C . - Sunday, October 16, 2022 (EPISODE-387 )


Readings for Sunday, October 16, 2022 - Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C .
Exod 17:8-13
Ps 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8. "Our help is from the lord, who made heaven and earth"
 2 Tim 3:14-4:2
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Luke 18:1-8). Alleluia, alleluia! The Word of God is living and active. It probes the thoughts and motives of our heart.
 Luke 18:1-8

Photo Credit: Image by Reystleen. Shutterstock Licensed stock photo ID: 21918460. Old door knocker with ladies hand.

Please listen to the audio recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers, and homily), for Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C . - Sunday, October 16, 2022, by clicking this link here: (EPISODE-387 )
Pray constantly, and never lose hope. This is the ever-relevant message from the Lord. And meditate on the Word of God as necessary nourishment for faith. As I have mentioned previously. God always answers our prayers… always. But sometimes, for reasons we cannot see with our limited human perspective, the answer is sometimes a loving but firm NO. But, when we pray, God bends our minds and hearts to his will and keeps us close to him. He promises to be faithful to us and have the last word in everything..


Our Lord is encouraging us to keep trusting and hoping in God… and always knowing and truly believing that (come what may), God wants only our good…..

Jesus wants us to go on continuing to trust in God … and believing in God's goodness……and that God loves us like an unconditionally loving, doting parent … and to walk always in hope and keep praying for all that is good…. God will be faithful to us now and into eternity…

The second reading is great too. St Paul reminds Timothy that the Scriptures are excellent for leading a good life, and are wonderful touchstones to the values that make a good disciple. Every human insight, philosophy, value, or world view need to be tested against the message and values of the Scriptures and put under the spotlight of Christ's message. So, it is really SURPRISING AND disappointing to read a recent survey conducted in Britain revealed that only a third of Catholics surveyed, considered that the Bible is very important to their faith.

That is an astounding and incomprehensible result, considering, as the second reading says today, the Bible is the foundation stone which holds the living word of God, and which chronicles God's constant relationship with his beloved people from the earliest times until the coming of Christ and commissioning his disciples to continue his work through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Just 34 per cent of Catholics in that survey thought that the Bible is "extremely important" to the Catholic faith, and 41 per cent are "not sure where to begin with the Bible". Almost half – (45 per cent) - said they didn't have enough time to read the Bible and the vast majority - 84 per cent - said they encounter the Bible most when hearing it in Church. More encouragingly, 53 per cent of Catholics said they read the Bible daily.

St Paul reminds us, the study of the Scripture trains a person in integrity until that person is equipped for every good work. Here is a key point. The study of the Scriptures must never be selfish, never simply for the good of a person's own soul. Any conversion which makes a person think of nothing but the fact that they, themselves have been saved is not a true and full conversion to fullness of the Gospel of the Lord. We study the Scriptures so that we can be useful instruments for God and for our brothers and sisters. And the first reading reminds us there are different types of action in the Christian community… including the fieldwork and also just as importantly the prayer and intercession work of so many …. And also those who help lift up, support and sustain all who are praying and interceding too…. So many different roles, all for the work of the Kingdom. Christians understand that our salvation is caught up with the sense that we belong to a "People of God"….. and that we are to be passionate about the salvation of everyone around us as much as our own.**

In this week's gospel, Our Lord tells this parable not with the intention of comparing The Heavenly Father with a grasping and selfish judge. Quite the contrary! Our Lord wishes to contrast God the Father with earthly judges. The basic point is: "If, in the end, even an unjust and greedy judge can be wearied into giving a poor widow justice, how much more will God, who is a loving Father, give his children what they truly need?"

The irony of the gospel this weekend is, that there is no need to keep repeating our requests as if we think God will be worn down and eventually give in to us, just to get us out of his hair. No. God is love. God cares for us and our real needs. God hears us in our need and response with love and compassion. If there are delays in response, it is not out of lack of care or from not hearing.

The interesting thing about this gospel is the judge in this parable is clearly not a Jewish Judge. They had three judges to rule on a decision. So, this was a Roman judge, often known for their corruption. They were known as (to paraphrase another language and for ease of description) "Judgers of Robbers," but the locals jokingly nicknamed the "Robber Judges." You couldn't get justice unless you paid them a bribe or could do them a favour. The poor widow had no influence and no money. All she had was persistence and she kept calling for justice. Even a corrupt and greedy judge gave in and gave her justice not because he cared and not because he respected God but just to get rid of her. So, God is going to hear our needs with love as soon as we ask them and we can trust in this.##

"Having said this, there is no reason why we should expect to get whatever we pray for. Our Lord constantly commended us to see God as a truly loving father. We know that often a loving parent has to regretfully refuse the request of a child, even a persistent son or daughter because the parent KNOWS that what the child asks would hurt rather than help. God is like that. We do not know what is to happen in the next hour, let alone the next week, or month, or year. Only God sees the whole picture, and, so, only God knows what is good for us in the long run. That is why Our Lord said we must never be discouraged in prayer. That is why he wondered if people's faith would stand the long delays before the return of the Son of Man.##

"However, we will never grow weary in prayer, and our faith will never falter if, after we have offered to God our prayers and requests, we add the perfect ending to every prayer as shown by the example of Christ's own prayer life and teaching… by always ending every prayer with: "however, not my will be done, O Lord, but yours!"##





Fr Paul W. Kelly

Image Credit: Shutterstock Licensed. Image by Reystleen. Shutterstock Licensed stock photo ID: 21918460. Old door knocker.

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C . (Sunday, October 16, 2022) (EPISODE-387 )

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (or/ The Lord be with You)

{{Shalom (peace)}}

As we begin the Holy Eucharist, let us acknowledge our sinfulness, so as to worthily celebrate the sacred mysteries.
You were sent to heal the contrite of heart. Lord, have mercy.// You came to call sinners: Christ, have mercy. //You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us: Lord, have mercy.//
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Ps 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8. "Our help is from the lord, who made heaven and earth"

Alleluia, alleluia! The Word of God is living and active. It probes the thoughts and motives of our heart.

Memorial Acclamation
2. When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.
PREFACE: Sundays Ordinary III
Eucharistic Prayer II
Communion side:

(theme variation: v1)

(welcome cycle- (welcome 9) Good evening/morning. Welcome to this Eucharist as we celebrate the NNN Sunday in SSSSSS. Whether you have come to this church from near or far, and whether young or older, everyone is welcome in God's house. We hope you have a wonderful week. Please check to see that your mobile devices are switched off or turned to silent. Our Presider tonight / today is Fr………………………… Please stand as we sing our entrance hymn: "__________" *)

(pre+post variation: v1-short)

{May God's love, strength, mercy and kindness guide you all this week.}

Go in peace.(glorifying the Lord by your life)

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here:

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address: 
Subscribe to mailing list to keep up-to-date

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" - By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria, Copyright © 2011

- "Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of William John Kelly - Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly. Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

Sound Engineering and editing - P.W. Kelly.

Microphones: - Shure MV5 Digital Condenser (USB)

Editing equipment: NCH software - MixPad Multitrack Studio Recording Software
NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 12.44

Sound Processing: iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor

[Production - KER - 2022]
May God bless and keep you.

(Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish sends these emails in order to speedily keep in touch with parishioners, including for the occasional urgent/emergency emails affecting parish schedules (which has come in handy already for several unexpected events in the past - which people were grateful to receive quickly - So, we ask that you please consider keeping subscribed to this mailing list, as it helps us keep in touch in all sorts of changing situations. We have had times when parishioners said they did not know of an important development within the parish and it turns out that they had opted out of this central email).


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Notice re Funerals this week. Please spread the news to anyone who might not get this email.

We have a couple of funerals in the parish this week.   All are welcome to attend. 

Former Knight of the Southern Cross member and parishioner Duncan Anthony Dawson,

 has passed away aged 94 and three quarters.  Formerly of Tricare Mermaid Beach.   Parishioners and Knights of the Southern Cross and friends are invited to his Funeral  Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Clear island waters, (Fairway Drive),  this Thursday   13th October, 2022. At 10.30am.  Please let others know who would like to attend.  
St Vincent de Paul member, parishioner and friend Donny Williamson, of Stella Maris church,.....

  (regular attender at the Weekend Sunday Mass at Stella),   has passed away after a brave health battle.   Parishioners,  St Vinnies members and friends are invited to attend his Funeral Mass at Stella Maris Church, Broadbeach this Friday 14th October, 2022. At 11 am.  All are welcome.  Please let others know who may not receive this message. 


Fr Paul W. Kelly
Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish,
50 Fairway Drive,
Clear Island Waters,
Queensland, 4226

Parish Office (new no.): (07) 5671 7388 (9 am – 12 pm Mon-Fri)

our parish office location is found here:  Click for details of location of parish office

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This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee named above unless otherwise stated.  If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that you must not disseminate, copy, or take any action in reliance on it.  If you have received this message in error please notify the Archdiocese of Brisbane immediately.

Acknowledgement of Country - This is Kombumerri Country - The Traditional Custodians of this region. 

We respectfully acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First People of this country. We pay our respects to the Kombumerri people, who are the traditional custodians of the land we live and work upon, throughout this parish of Surfers Paradise. We acknowledge Elders, past and present and emerging, as they hold the memories, traditions, culture and hopes of our Indigenous people. We pay tribute to those who have contributed in many ways to the life of the community. We affirm our commitment to justice,  healing, and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

Thursday, October 06, 2022

mass and homily -Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year. Year C - Sunday, October 9, 2022 (EPISODE- 386)


mass and homily -Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year. Year C - Sunday, October 9, 2022 (EPISODE- 386)

Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish - Weekly Parish Mass - podcast of Eucharist, including readings, prayers, homily)

Greetings from Surfers Catholic parish!

Please find linked below the latest edition of the Parish weekly Homily and link to the (audio) podcast of the mass, especially produced for those who are unable to be with us at mass.

Many thanks,

The Parish Team

Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year. Year C - Sunday, October 9, 2022 (EPISODE- 386)

Readings for Sunday, October 9, 2022 - Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year. Year C
2 Kgs 5:14-17
Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4. "The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power"
 2 Tim 2:8-13
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Luke 17:11-19). Alleluia, alleluia! For all things, give thanks to God. Because this is what he expects of you in Christ Jesus.
 Luke 17:11-19

Image credit: By Renata Sedmakova. Shutterstock licensed photo ID: 1074985211. PARMA, ITALY - APRIL 16, 2018: The fresco Jesus healing the ten lepers in byzantine iconic style in Baptistery probably by Grisopolo from 13. cent. -
Please listen to the audio-recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers and homily), for Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year. Year C - Sunday, October 9, 2022, by clicking this link here: (EPISODE- 386)
From the most ancient times... including in the time of Abraham and Moses.... right through to the time of Christ's disciples, one of the most important things for a true disciple is to continue to have and to foster a humble, grateful, remembering heart. When a a person or a community forgets the blessings of the past, and ceases to be grateful for what we have rather than be sad about what we have not.... everything goes awry. A grateful humble, remembering heart is our duty and our salvation... this is Faith, Hope and love.
A writer, (whose name is not known), once declared….

"Happy are they who dwell not on what they have not,
but rather,
Happy are the ones who give thanks, for all that they do have."

The gospel today, is a very fitting reminder of the importance of being grateful for the gifts that God has given us…

So often it is all too easy to remember and stew over the things that have gone wrong….. the burdens and struggles…… but it can be at the expense of forgetting and minimising all the wonderful things that Go provides to us. There are so many things to be thankful for in life, that its so important to take the time out to remember them, and to give thanks…..

The readings remind us that "There is nothing better, and more and more necessary than a grateful, remembering heart." (pk)

One of the lepers was a Samaritan… Samaritans were hated by the Jewish people of the time….. they were not accepted …. But here was a group of lepers that included Jewish people and a Samaritan as well. What this shows is that these other Jewish lepers have accepted a Samaritan among them; rejection, marginalisation and Pain has brought them together. There is no distinction amongst these outcasts…….. suffering and exclusion has brought them together into one community. Also, Jesus accepts people with no distinctions……. They are all in need of healing, and he gives them all what they need…..irrespective of where they come from or what they believe.

However, the Samaritan is the only one who comes back to give thanks. In Jewish law… a person was not considered 'purified' or healed until the priests declared them clean again.. so they could be healed but not yet officially recognized… So, the other nine go off to fulfil the "letter of the law" of the requirements for purity, but the Samaritan realizes, 'wait a minute, I am ALREADY healed and purified by Jesus.. So, he immediately turns back to give thanks to the source of that healing and grace... Thanks to God, (to Jesus who is God made flesh). Samaritans were considered inferior and half pagan, and also Samaritans were considered "impure" and not to be associated with. Yet, the Samaritan here in this gospel is the only one who opens his heart to the Lord (v. 15) and who expresses the real content of purity.

The clean of heart are not those who merely observe rules and appear irreproachable, or who belong to a particular group of people, but rather those who are consistent and whose hearts and attitudes match their outward actions;……. People who act with humility, appreciation, and gratitude, for the overwhelming and generous graces that they have received.

The Samaritan is the one who remembers Jesus — This man is grateful; He is doubly marginalized as a leper and as a "foreigner". And so, while Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem where he will be killed at the hands of the defenders of formal legal rules about purity, Jesus gives life to this man who is truly pure in heart: "your faith has made you well."

It is all too easy to be tempted to "stew over" the things that have gone wrong… all the hurts and snubs and mistakes.. There are so many things to be grateful for in life, and it is so important to take the time out regularly, to remember the many blessings and graces…, and to give heartfelt thanks…..and keep them in the front of our minds. Especially for times of struggle.

In the old testament, the people of Israel regularly forgot the many blessings that God had given them and that led to grumbling and complaining. // Forgetting, grumbling and ruminating on the negative, can so easily lead to failing to count our blessings, which can then lead to turning away from God. …

St Paul in the second reading captures this well. He basically is saying… I have suffered everything for the gospel… however.. I will continue to trust in God and praise him… I will continue to focus on the GOOD news, because it is more powerful than bad news.. and no matter what happens.. there is more good news than bad.. and the good news of Christ will have the last word in everything…

It is really important to regularly sit at personal prayer-time, with a journal and a pen in hand…..and spend some quality time writing down any and every blessing, grace and joy that has come our way this day, this week.. this month.. or any time throughout our life…. In this prayer exercise, the object is to list ONLY the positive things that come to mind, the things we are grateful for… the countless gifts God has showered upon us….big and small…. Extraordinary as well as ordinary….. It will certainly keep our sense of perspective…. I truly believe that if we sat in prayer writing down all the blessings and gifts that we receive daily, we would fill that book of thanksgiving.. that book of graces… in days.. and by the end of the year we would have books piled up to the roof…..

Even specialists in emotional health remind us that what we focus on positive or negative can have profound effects on our sense of wellbeing… it's a bit like if we eat the wrong types of food .. not very nourishing food that is not full of the nutrition we need, if we eat too much junk food.. if we take into our bodies too much of the wrong things it will be bad for us… Same with what we focus on in our daily lives.. if we take in the negatives and minimize the positives… it will distort our perceptions and be bad for us. That is not to say we should be unrealistic or in denial about the many real difficult issues and struggles in life; but the sense of perspective helps us to keep turning to God and trusting that God's care is still with us.. God's blessings are, (as the psalms remind us), "not all in the past…" and we continue to praise God and trust in God's faithfulness and care.

Remembering Jesus Christ as St Paul asks us to do in the second reading…… (2 Tm 2:8) is about accepting Jesus' message of love without building up purely legal or religious boundaries and walls.

it always strikes me as incredibly important that the word we use to describe what we do here on Sundays as a community of faith is called "Eucharist"… which is an ancient Greek word that means 'thanksgiving.' This is not only what we do here on Sunday… It is also the people we are called to be in Christ… It is right and it is just to be people who 'always and everywhere…(- in word and in action) - give the Lord thanks and praise!"

Fr Paul W. Kelly



Image credit: By Renata Sedmakova. Shutterstock licensed photo ID: 1074985211. PARMA, ITALY - APRIL 16, 2018: The fresco Jesus healing the ten lepers in byzantine iconic style in Baptistery probably by Grisopolo from 13. cent. -

Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year. Year C (Sunday, October 9, 2022)

(EPISODE- 386)

The Lord be with you.
{{Welcome everyone}}

As we prepare to celebrate the great Sacramental feast of God's love, let us pause, recall our sins, and trust in God's infinite mercy.
[option two] (OHP Required)/ Presider: Have mercy on us, O Lord./ All: For we have sinned against you./ Presider: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. All: And grant us your salvation.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4. "The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power"

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Luke 17:11-19). 
Alleluia, alleluia! For all things, give thanks to God. Because this is what he expects of you in Christ Jesus.

Memorial Acclamation
3. Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.
PREFACE: Sundays Ordinary II
Eucharistic Prayer III
Communion side:

(theme variation: full)

(pre+post variation: v2-short)
{I pray that you have a wonderful and grace-filled week.}

Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.

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Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" - By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria, Copyright © 2011

- "Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of William John Kelly - Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly. Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

Sound Engineering and editing - P.W. Kelly.

Microphones: - Shure MV5 Digital Condenser (USB)

Editing equipment: NCH software - MixPad Multitrack Studio Recording Software
NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 12.44

Sound Processing: iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor

[Production - KER - 2022]
May God bless and keep you.
[ Production - KER - 2022]

May God bless and keep you.
