Thursday, March 30, 2023

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Year A - Sunday, April 2, 2023 (EPISODE: 413)

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Year A - Sunday, April 2, 2023
(EPISODE: 413)


Readings for Sunday, 2 April 2023
Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24. "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?"
Phil 2:6-11
Phil 2:8-9). Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless Glory. Christ became obedient for us, even to death. Dying on the cross. Therefore God raised him on high, and gave him a name above all other names.
Matt 26:14 – 27:66  or 27:11-54

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 1369111313 - Palm leaf on red background.Palm sunday and easter day concept. Photo Contributor: MIA Studio
Please listen to the audio recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers, and homily), for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Year A - Sunday, April 2, 2023, by clicking this link here:  
(EPISODE: 413)
It is timely on this Passion Sunday, to recall Pope Francis' words from a previous Palm Sunday Mass. The pope invited us all to contemplate the face of Jesus "not only in paintings, or photographs, or even in video depictions" but "in the faces of many of our brothers and sisters . . . who are suffering." "Jesus is in them, in each of them, and with a disfigured face, with a broken voice, He asks to be looked at, to be recognized, to be loved," 

"We have no other Lord but him: Jesus, the humble King of justice, mercy and peace", said the Pope. 

Our gentle Pope said that "Passion/Palm Sunday,":- "can be said to be bittersweet. It is joyful and sorrowful at the same time. We celebrate the Lord's entrance into Jerusalem to the cries of his disciples who acclaim him as King. It recounts the enthusiasm of the disciples who acclaim the Master with cries of joy, and we can picture in our minds the excitement of the children and young people of the city who joined in the excitement.
Yet, on this exact same day, we also solemnly proclaim the Gospel account of his Passion and death. Jesus, who accepts the hosannas of the crowd, knows full well that these cries of welcome will soon be followed by cries of: "Crucify him!"
Even as Our Lord fulfils the Scriptures by entering into the holy city in this way, he is in no way some kind of misguided peddler of illusions, no new-age prophet, no imposter. Rather, he is the King and Messiah who comes in the humble role of a servant - who obeys his Father in Heaven utterly and goes willingly to his passion. -, He suffers all the pain of humanity. 

In this sad contrast (from joy and acclamation – to sorrow, suffering and condemnation), our hearts experience in some small way, what Jesus himself must have felt in his own heart that day, as he rejoiced with his friends and also wept over Jerusalem. 

So as we joyfully acclaim our King, let us also think of the sufferings that he will have to endure in this coming (Holy) week. Let us think of the slanders and insults, the snares and betrayals, the abandonment to an unjust judgment, the blows, the lashes and the crown of thorns… And lastly, the way of the cross leading to the crucifixion. 

He had spoken clearly of this to his disciples: "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me" (Mt 16:24). Jesus never promised honour and success. (pk - well, not in an earthly sense, that is!). This weekend's gospel and the readings over Holy Week make this abundantly clear.
He had always warned his friends that this was to be his path and that the final victory would be achieved through passion and the cross. All this holds true for us too. Let us ask for the grace to follow Jesus faithfully, not in words but in deeds. Let us also ask for the patience to carry our own cross, not to refuse it or set it aside, but rather, in looking to him, to take it up and to carry it daily. 

Christ is present in our many brothers and sisters who today endure sufferings like his own: they suffer from slave labour, from family tragedies, natural disasters, from diseases… They suffer from wars and terrorism, and from interests that are armed and ready to strike. Women and men who are cheated, violated in their dignity, discarded…(and we can add in 2020 0 present in all suffering in any way from the many and varied effects of this terrible pandemic)…… Jesus is in them, in each of them, and, with marred features and broken voice, he asks to be looked in the eye, to be acknowledged, to be loved. (Our Lord always stood by those who were most disadvantaged, most isolated – he stood with them and promised to be with them in the joys and sorrows of life.. and he made a practical difference in people's lives.. he calls us to ensure we always strive to do the same – to be faithful, lovingly of service, and filled with practical, compassionate love).

The Jesus who was mistreated,  and assaulted and cruelly put to death as if he was some kind of terrible criminal,  is not some other Jesus from the one who was triumphantly welcomed into Jerusalem as king and messiah. It is indeed the same Jesus who entered Jerusalem amid the waving of palm branches. It is the same Jesus who was nailed to the cross and died between two criminals. (this is one and the same person. This is the fullness of the revelation of God with us). He was no less the King of the universe and God the son in both of these contrasting scenarios. We have no other Lord but him: Jesus, the humble King of suffering, self-emptying love, obedience to the Father's will, The just and merciful,  loving King of Peace.

Pope Francis. Homily. Palm Sunday, 2017.  © Libreria editrice vaticana 2017.

Fr Paul W. Kelly
Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 1369111313 - Palm leaf on red background.Palm sunday and easter day concept. Photo Contributor: MIA Studio

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Year A  (Sunday, April 2, 2023(EPISODE: 413)
The Lord be with you.
{{May Our Lord's gift of dignity and community enliven you.}} welcome everyone, we gather -  Listening to God's Word. On this Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Year A

As we begin the Holy Eucharist, let us acknowledge our sinfulness, so as to worthily celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Lord Jesus, you were lifted up to draw all people to yourself: Lord, have mercy//You shouldered the cross, to bear our suffering and sinfulness: Christ, have mercy// You open for your people the way from death into life: Lord, have mercy//
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.
Memorial Acclamation
1. We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24. "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?"

Phil 2:8-9). Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless Glory. Christ became obedient for us, even to death. Dying on the cross. Therefore God raised him on high, and gave him a name above all other names.
PREFACE: Passion of the Lord
Euch II
Communion side.  pwk: 
(theme variation:
3 )

{Cheers and thanks everyone for this time of prayer and reflection - I hope you have a blessed week.}

Go in peace.(glorifying the Lord by your life)

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here:

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:

"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993). (Sydney Australia).

"Quiet Time."  Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

Lenten Hymn: "Have Mercy"  Inspired by Psalm 50(51). Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2020.

Sound Engineering and editing -  P.W. Kelly.
Microphones: -
Shure Motiv MV5 Digital Condenser.

Editing equipment:    NCH software - MixPad Multitrack Studio Recording Software

NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 12.44

Sound Processing:  iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor

[ Production -  KER -  2023]

May God bless and keep you.


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Fifth Sunday of Lent. Year A - Sunday, March 26, 2023 (EPISODE: 412)

Fifth Sunday of Lent. Year A - Sunday, March 26, 2023
(EPISODE: 412)

Readings for 5th Sunday of Lent A

FIRST READING: Ezekiel 37:12-14
Psalm 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8. "With the Lord, there is mercy and fullness of redemption."
SECOND READING: Romans 8:8-11
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (John 11:25a+26). Glory and Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! I am the Resurrection and the life, says the Lord. Whoever believes in me will not die forever.
GOSPEL: John 11:1-45 - Raising Lazarus


Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 85594159 - Milan - the resurrection of Lazarus from San Giorgio church - Photo Contributor: Renata Sedmakova

Please listen to my audio recordings of the readings, prayers, and reflections for the Fifth Sunday of Lent. Year A  - Sunday, March 26, 2023, by clicking this link here   (EPISODE: 412)
I am the resurrection,  says the Lord in today's wonderful gospel.  This is such a beautiful and important scripture passage today.  Our Lord assures us that he has the power and the intention to raise us to eternal life, to call us out of the grave and into the new life of the Kingdom.  This powerful scene of Jesus raising his friend Lazarus shows many things.  He feels deeply for us in our loss; even at the same time, he is certain that he will call us into eternal life- but he still shares the pain of loss with us.  He also reminds us that, as well as the promise of the bodily resurrection on the last day, we can be caught in many symbolic tombs during our living years.  We can be stuck in e darkness of attitudes, actions and thoughts that are not life-giving.  We can get bound up with cares and ambitions that wrap us in the things of death and not new life.  Our Lord has the power to call us out of the tombs and darkness and enmeshment of this life and the ultimate call to eternal life.  Let us trust in this promise and follow Christ into the light of his new life for us.  


(The following are a couple of sections from the poem entitled).   
LAZARUS.  (John 11:1-53)   (Written by Dan Doyle).

"If only his friend had been here,
He would not have died,"
We say to one another.
If only…If only…
Is our desperate prayer.

"Rabbi, If you had been here
my brother would not have died."
"Martha, he will rise again."
"Yes, I know this, Rabbi. At the Resurrection."
"I am the one who raises the dead. Do you believe me, Martha?"
"Yes, Master.  Oh, yes, I believe.
I know you and with all my heart
I believe in you."

Then, Jesus wept.

…. In the days that followed,
we talked excitedly about this miracle
that we had all been witness to.
And, still, many could not believe
in their weary and frightened hearts
that this son of an old carpenter from Nazareth,
this wandering rabbi, Jesus,
might be the one we have been waiting for
since the time of Moses and the prophets.

But some of us knew that this Jesus,
who had come so gently,
yet so powerfully among us,
was, indeed, the Messiah of God
and we began to tell everyone we met
what we had seen him do for Lazarus, our friend.

Lazarus lived on for many years
and never tired of telling the story.
In hushed and awe-filled tones.
And we never tired of listening.

Lazarus was a man of gentle knowledge,
of abiding faith, and of quiet strength.
He told us over and over again
that we were loved by one
who knows our hearts, and who
despises not our petitions,
and that we would never be alone.

We began going to the synagogue differently.
We listened to the words the Rabbi read
from the ancient prophets more closely
and we were moved in our hearts and minds.

At long last, Lazarus died
and we wept for sorrow again.
But we knew in our depths
that he was not dead,
that the Resurrection
promised by the prophets is real,
that death no longer holds sway
over our simple lives,
and that we will see each other again

in the world to come.  Amen

Jesus said a lot of words to people in his ministry…  (Words perfectly formed, completely based on truth, and backed up by action). Sometimes the things he said challenged the faith of those with him……Other times, it healed and uplifted people, forgave them, and included them in a way they never could have imagined.    

In today's gospel, Jesus talks to them about God having the final say on suffering and death. / Jesus is powerfully SHOWING that HE DOES CARE…. HE DOES LOVE US…  It profoundly matters WHEN PEOPLE SUFFER, GRIEVE, DIE…   OR FEEL TRAPPED BY THEIR PAST SINS or MISTAKES….. HE CRIES WITH US…..  not because he feels helpless and can do nothing…    he can do so much…   he cries in union with us…  because he feels and experiences along with us.  HE SIGHS FROM THE HEART FOR US…    AND HE SPEAKS WORDS OF CHANGE…




I AM the resurrection and the life.  ….

Some other very special words have a powerful effect because they are so intimately connected with Jesus' life, attitudes and actions//  His message, and the perfectly consistent qualities about himself are a perfect union. ….

These words are powerful, For the Spirit hovering over them fills them with resonance and effectiveness.

Words such as:

 "Your sins are forgiven"
 "Your debt is cancelled"
 "Be Opened"
 "Unbind him…. set him free!"
 "This is my body broken for you…..  
This is my blood poured out for you "

I love these words….  I know you do too……    They fill us with hope… But more than that… they immediately begin achieving what they say……. 


No wonder the church believes so powerfully in reality and the effectiveness of the Sacraments – where we touch, taste, smell, hear and see the action of Our Lord – connected to his ministry and mission – made present to us in every age.

Surely only Divine love can truly fill us with the fullness of life again….……and call us to life eternal.   Drawn near, embraced…., healed, forgiven, included….  Always LOVED.
Fr Paul W. Kelly

Doyle, D. (2020). This Poem Gives Such A Great Perspective On How Powerful and Yet Tender Our Lord Is! [online] FaithHub. Available at: [Accessed 7 Feb. 2020].
Fr Paul W. Kelly

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 85594159 - Milan - the resurrection of Lazarus from San Giorgio church - Photo Contributor: Renata Sedmakova


Fifth Sunday of Lent. Year A  (Sunday, March 26, 2023)  (EPISODE: 412)


The Lord be with you.


{{May Our Lord's courage uphold you.}} welcome everyone, we gather - Praise and Worship of our God.


Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins and prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.

Lord Jesus, you have revealed yourself as the way to the Father: Lord, have mercy

You have poured out on your people the Spirit of truth: Christ, have mercy

You are the Good Shepherd, leading us to eternal life: Lord, have mercy.

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.


Memorial Acclamation

1. We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.


Ps 126:1-2a, 2b-3, 4-5, 6. "The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy."


GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Joel 2:12-13). Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless Glory. With all your heart, turn to me. For I am tender and compassionate.


PREFACE: Sundays Ordinary II

Euch Prayer One

Communion side. pwk: LH

(theme variation: )



{Thank you for giving generously of your time and prayer.}


Go in peace.(glorifying the Lord by your life)




Archive of homilies and reflections:

To contact Fr. Paul, please email:


To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here:


You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:


Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:


"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly


Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)


Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)


"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.


Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993). (Sydney Australia).


"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.


Lenten Hymn: "Have Mercy" inspired by Psalm 50(51). Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2020.


Sound Engineering and editing - P.W. Kelly.

Microphones: - Sennheiser MK4 Cardioid Condenser; and Shure Motiv MV5 Digital Condenser.


Editing equipment: NCH software - MixPad Multitrack Studio Recording Software


NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 12.44


Sound Processing: iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor



[ Production - KER - 2023]

May God bless and keep you.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Fourth Sunday of Lent. Year A - Sunday, March 19, 2023 (EPISODE: 411)

Fourth Sunday of Lent. Year A - Sunday, March 19, 2023
(EPISODE: 411)

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 189092048 - VENICE, ITALY - MARCH 14, 2014: The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind by Antonio Trevisan (1753) in the church San Francesco della Vigna. Important information. Editorial Use Only. Photo Contributor: Renata Sedmakova

Readings for Sunday, 19 March 2023
FIRST READING: 1 Sam 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a
Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6. "The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want"
Eph 5:8-14
John 8:12). Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ.  I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.
John 9:1-41 – Man Born Blind

Image Credit: Shutterstock Licensed.
Please listen to the audio recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers and homily), for the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Year A - Sunday, March 19, 2023, by clicking this link here:  
(EPISODE: 411)

This weekend, we hear the wonderful psalm that has brought so much comfort and strength in times of difficulty…  the Lord is my Shepherd…  I shall not want. He leads me along the right paths; He preserves my soul…". In addition, we have the amazing incident of Our Lord healing the blind man and the experts in the law refusing to accept it. This is a profound call for us to beware of any spiritual blindness our willfulness can cause.  The Lord has come to shine his light of love, truth and healing upon the world and invites us to stand on the right side of history.  
Many of you might remember the old Royal Brisbane Hospital -  It stood where the new high-tech buildings stand in Brisbane opposite the showgrounds.  I remember visiting relatives at the old Royal Brisbane hospital as they recovered from surgery.  Back in the original days, there was a wonderful long open-balcony where patients could be wheeled out to sit in the sun because the benefits of getting a bit of sun was an important part of healing. The new building dispensed with this pleasing aspect. 

This little bit of history reminds me of the teaching in this weekend's second reading.   The Light of Christ casts away all darkness and not only shows up any flaws and faults but also shines its healing light upon our wounds.  The image is a powerful and positive one. 

Back in the days of Our Lord, the local merchants and their stalls would line the streets. Each one inside a little booth, covered in shade-cloths. A wise customer, when attempting to buy some fine silk or other precious items would take the product outside the entrance of the shop and hold it up to the sunlight, so that any flaws or damage would be easily revealed, which would be invisible to the eye in a darkened booth.  The wisdom of this image of Christ as the divine light who scatters the darkness of sin and death is powerful and deeply reassuring.

We Christians are encouraged by Saint Paul to be like children of light, and put away all the works of darkness. And the SIGN of being a child of light shines through in one's actions -     for he says, "the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness, right living and truth. And are completely inconsistent with the futile works of darkness."   We witness to the light of Christ shining in our hearts, by actions and attitudes which contrast sharply with the ways of secrecy, shame and darkness. The things which are done in secret are things that people are ashamed even to speak of; /  Sunlight exposes flaws…  But, sunlight also has medicinal value too, as we have mentioned. Its healing qualities for "killing off the bad" by opening up the wounds to the sunlight. So, our Christian path is not only about avoiding the exposure of our sins and the condemnation that follows, but more positively, to bring about healing and spiritual and moral resilience.'''

I love that first reading.  It reminds us that God is primarily concerned with what is within -  not merely outward appearances. God judges the heart and not by externals.  Look at that wonderful scene where God asks the Prophet Samuel to anoint the future King as the successor to King Saul. He visits Jesse and looks at each of the brothers.  The older brothers all look strong and tall and imposing, but none of them is acceptable to God. God judges from the heart…  they eventually run out of brothers, until Samuel finds out that the youngest and least likely one is not there. He has been overlooked. He is out looking after the sheep.  He is called in and chosen by God. God, by CHOOSING AND ANOINTING DAVID and not any of his BROTHERS, BY SAMUEL. The Oil is poured over his head, as a sign of God's choice and commissioning. He is not made king there and then. He actually goes back to his shepherding. But God has already chosen and anointed him for his future. Note, too that although God chooses from what is in the heart and not just the outward appearances, nevertheless, we are told that David still has a find bearing.   Being someone who is engaging to others, appealing and can draw people to oneself, this is an important value of a leader, but also, inside are innocence, godliness, righteousness, (later in this same chapter, he is described to King Saul as a "brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And the Lord is with him. All these inner qualities are also important. "(1 Sam 16:18, NIV).  

And then, in the wonderful Gospel, there are a FASCINATING SERIES OF ENCOUNTERS… and scenes. Our Lord cures a BLIND MAN ON the SABBATH. This leads to ridiculous arguments and questioning from the religious authorities. They question the once-blind man and when he answers them honestly, they don't want to hear his answer and throw him out saying "why would we listen to you. You are a sinner."  But THEY are the ones asking him the question. They are clearly able to see, but quite obviously spiritually blind and don't even know it. That very fitting saying – "there are none who are so blind as they who will not SEE!"  Meaning, of course – "Understanding cannot be forced on someone who chooses to be ignorant" or also the very similar saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink."

Again, it is so important for us to realise that this incident is not in the Gospels to tell us how stubborn and willfully blind and stubbornly deaf people were two thousand years ago.  We too are quite capable of hearing without listening and looking without seeing. Refusing to be challenged or to change when the light is shone on our own faults or areas for growth.  

The man who was cured, meets Jesus again, (or actually, Jesus searches for him and finds him again). The cured man has a wonderful OPENNESS OF HEART AND MIND…   and he says to the Lord: "LET ME KNOW who this Son of Man is, so I CAN BELIEVE IN HIM…."  - "I want to believe, just show him to me." And Jesus says, "You are looking at him, it is me! " This man was open and ready. He did not say to our Lord. "look I am old and I have been through enough. I don't want any more. I am too set in my ways to change, so this is as far as I go. No, he was ready and willing.

 "What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so."  
Mark Twain

 Show us lord and we will believe and we will worship you!   Always open us,  so as to go deeper and immerse ourselves more fully into the light of Christ and the endless depths of Christ, who is THE  water of eternal life.

Fr Paul W. Kelly; 

Barclay, W. (2002). The letters to the Galatians and Ephesians. 3rd ed. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, pp.189-191;

Payne, D. (1982). I and II Samuel. Philadelphia: Westminster Press. P 81-83;; ** Jer. 5:21 (King James version): "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not."        / "There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. The proverb has been traced back in English to 1546 (John Heywood), and resembles the Biblical verse: Jer. 5:21. In 1738, it was used by Jonathan Swift in his 'Polite Conversation,' and is first attested in the United States in the 1713 'Works of Thomas Chalkley'..."

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 189092048 - VENICE, ITALY - MARCH 14, 2014: The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind by Antonio Trevisan (1753) in church San Francesco della Vigna. Important information. Editorial Use Only. Photo Contributor: Renata Sedmakova.

Fourth Sunday of Lent. Year A  (Sunday, March 19, 2023((EPISODE: 411)
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (or/ The Lord be with You)
{{May Our Lord's grace and love abide in you}} welcome everyone, we gather -  Reflection upon God's word. On this Fourth Sunday of Lent. Year A

Our God's love and mercy knows no bounds, and so let us recall our sins so as to worthily celebrate this Holy Sacrifice.
You were sent to heal the contrite of heart. Lord, have mercy.// You came to call sinners:Christ, have mercy. //You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us:Lord, have mercy.//
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.
Memorial Acclamation
2. When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.
Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6. "The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want"

John 8:12). Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ.  I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.
PREFACE: Man Born Blind
Reconciliation 1
Communion side.  pwk: 
(theme variation:
1 )

{I pray that you have a wonderful and grace-filled week.}

Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:

"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993). (Sydney, Australia).

"Quiet Time."  Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

Lenten Hymn: "Have Mercy"  Inspired by Psalm 50(51). Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2020.

Sound Engineering and editing -  P.W. Kelly.
Microphones: -
Shure Motiv MV5 Digital Condenser.

Editing equipment:    NCH Software - MixPad Multitrack Studio Recording Software

NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 12.44

Sound Processing:  iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor

[Production -  KER -  2023]

May God bless and keep you.
