Thursday, February 04, 2021

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time,Year B – In Australia we celebrate “the Sunday of the word of God, -Sunday, February 7, 2021 (EPISODE: 277)

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B – In Australia we celebrate "the Sunday of the word of God, - Sunday, February 7, 2021
(EPISODE: 277)

Readings for 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B
FIRST READING: Job 7: 1-4, 6-7
Ps 147: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6. "Praise the Lord, who heals the broken-hearted"
SECOND READING: 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Matt 8: 17). Alleluia, alleluia! He bore our sickness. And endured our suffering.
GOSPEL: Mark 1: 29-39

Image Credit: Shutterstock Licensed. ID: 666869200 Job and his three friends. By askib
Please listen to the audio-recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers and homily), for Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - Sunday, February 7, 2021 by clicking this link here:  (EPISODE: 277)

Message from Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane:

Homily - 7 February 2021 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


From Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane.


Word of God Sunday (See APERUIT ILLIS)


Today is Word of God Sunday, and I begin this homily on the streets of Brisbane. That's because the Word of God was never meant to be shut up within the four walls of a Church building.


 There are around 2.8 million people living in this diocese. About 700,000 of those identify as Catholics, but only around 60,000 will hear the word of God at Mass this Sunday. In his Apostolic Letter introducing Word of God Sunday, Pope Francis said that "devoting a specific Sunday…to the word of God can enable the Church to experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for us the treasury of his word and enables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches before the world". So on this Sunday, I will preach as always from the scriptures, but with a special invitation for you all to join me in proclaiming the riches of the word of God before the world.


St Paul speaks of the Good News that's more powerful than all the bad news, even the bad news of death. The Good News he speaks of isn't a message: it's not a 'word' in the usual sense. It's the Word made flesh who is a person, and the person is Jesus crucified and risen, present among us right now, even here on the steps of the Cathedral. He's wanting to be seen and heard. St Paul stresses his responsibility and duty to share the Good News, and with many others in the Church I feel the same sense of responsibility and duty. For all kinds of reasons, many have chosen not to join us in Church, but today we want to go out and offer the Word to everyone, the Good News which is all the Church really has – not to chide or condemn anyone, not to cajole or force, not just to get people to "sign up" to the organization because we need new members, but to share a gift with everyone, especially those who need it most.


We want to invite you to join in sharing the Good News of Jesus with everyone in the Archdiocese, especially perhaps those who have been baptized but no longer walk with us. We want to offer all Catholics the priceless gift that is their right as someone baptized into Jesus. We want to offer them the power to rise from their sick-bed like Peter's mother-in-law, to be free of all the evil powers that can hold can hold us down. We want people to know the healing touch of Jesus in a Church which, as Pope Francis says, is a field-hospital.


We want everyone to know that they're welcome here. These seats are for you. This is holy ground, and it's holy because here in a special way we can see and hear the real, living Jesus. Here we can come to him together, come to him just as we are, with all our anxieties and ailments, all our wounds and weaknesses, all our quandaries and questions. We want you and everyone to know the joy of being a disciple – not perfect but, like all of us, a work in progress, on the road with others, following Jesus into the fullness of life. The journey of faith was never meant to be taken alone. It's hard work at times and pretty well impossible if we go it alone. That's not what Jesus wants for us; he doesn't ask us to do the impossible. He wants us to find sisters and brothers who travel with us, love us, support us, listen to us, advise us, even correct us if need be. That's what the Church is meant to be – not some huge, decrepit organization with ways that don't speak to my soul and rules that don't touch my life, but a pilgrim people journeying out of darkness into light – the light of Christ's mercy, compassion, forgiveness and healing.


On this Word of God Sunday we're making a call to all Catholics to encounter the Word of God in a new and deeper way. The call isn't harsh or heavy; it's more an invitation than any kind of command. We want to propose, not impose. If you're baptized Catholic, but feel estranged from the Church, this call is for you. Perhaps you have friends in the same situation: well, you could also invite them. This call comes not from us but through us – through us from Jesus himself. If it were just from me or from us, then forget it. But the call comes to you from Jesus. It's a call from him and to him. He calls you to himself – not for his own sake or for the Church's sake, but for your sake and the sake of the people whose lives you touch.


So join me in inviting anyone and everyone you know to listen to the Lord's voice which can be hard to hear with all the inner noise of our mind and heart and all the outer noise of a world full of loud voices, many of them promising life but delivering death.


Each parish and community has resources from Evangelisation Brisbane that will help anyone hearing these words to get involved. But there are three simple things you can do…


  1. Sign up for the prayer outreach through the Evangelisation Brisbane website, something we can all do to support and encourage those responding to this call to go on this journey of faith.


  1. Offer yourself as a volunteer to accompany those starting the journey by enrolling on the Evangelisation Brisbane website (we may need 10, 100 or a 1000 depending on the response we draw).


  1. Be a welcoming presence in your community to ensure that new faces are greeted in a warm and friendly way, so that in finding you they will find Jesus.


My prayer is that, on this Word of God Sunday, the Holy Spirit will move in the life of every baptized Catholic, so that in the time ahead everyone will discover the deep meaning of their baptism and have their lives changed by the encounter with the Word of God himself, with Jesus crucified and risen.


Since the pandemic came upon us, I've been listening a fair bit to the music of Leonard Cohen who's long been a favourite of mine. His seems just the right voice for a time like this – sombre but truthful and in the end hopeful. In one of his songs, Cohen says, "There's a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in". There's also a crack in everyone, a crack in you and me. But that's how the light gets in – the light of Jesus which nothing and no-one can dispel. The call to you and to all whom you may know is a call from the light and to the light. Whatever the darkness may be, let the light in…then come, walk with us.


+ His Grace, Archbishop Mark Coleridge


*Prologue- (Fr Paul) - On the 1600th anniversary of the death of the great Scripture scholar and biblical translator, St Jerome, (on 30th September last year), pope Francis announced a new Sunday celebration (around the world it is to be celebrated on the Third Sunday of Ordinary time – but the local conference of bishops moved it here in Australia to the first Sunday in February – due to our national Holiday celebration overlapping it earlier), This celebration will be known and commemorated as the "THE SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD" .

The Risen Jesus, instructing two disciples on the Road to Emmaus, "opened their minds to understand the Scriptures" (Lk 24:45). Christ continues to do this in our day too.

Also, in this week focusing on the word of God, has everyone discovered that wonderful gift to the whole church that is the Prayer of the Church, or the Liturgy of the Hours.. also known as the Divine Office? This is an official series of prayers, psalms and readings for the different parts of each day. This is of course not just for priests or religious, but for all people…
Liturgy of the Hours (online service called Universalis)
{The prayer of the universal Church, seven times a day.
Office of Readings - Morning Prayer (Lauds) - Mid-Morning Prayer (Terce) - - Midday Prayer (Sext) - Afternoon Prayer (None) - Evening Prayer (Vespers) - Night Prayer (Compline)}

There are also official books available with the whole set of four weekly cycle prayers. To truly savour God's living word, day and night!

The book of Job haunts me.  It is a powerful reflection upon the reality of suffering and loss in our lives. Job calls out to God in prayer and God is faithful to him, but it does not preserve him from the suffering, tragedy and disasters of life, which befall him in a massive way. God does not give him clear answers to his question about why there is suffering, but God does something even better.. He tells Job, trust in my goodness, justice and care. Never doubt my faithfulness to you, even in terrible seasons. Never stop trusting in my compassion and love for you even when you don't understand.  In Job, his friends come to support and comfort him. We are told that they sit with him for seven days and say nothing.  One Jewish tradition is that people who come to offer comfort to a bereaved person should not speak until the mourner speaks.  This is really good wisdom. As shown in this book too,.. for when the friends eventually start speaking they try to explain and justify why these terrible tragedies have occurred. And they make Job's suffering worse. In fact, Job is tempted to listen to their well-meaning platitudes, and start to doubt God's goodness.  His friends tell him, you must have done something to deserve this.  Not helpful at all. Job is a just man. He has not done anything to deserve this. Their speculation is wrong and hurtful and amplifies his pain.  They mean well, but they do damage.  They are right that God is good but they are wrong that bad things only happen to bad people. Very wrong.  They should have helped more by staying silent and supporting Job in his grief and depression. God cares very much about Job's condition and wants to heal his broken heart and smashed dreams. Eventually God's healing and faithfulness does indeed bring him renewed hope and strength.

Jesus travels the countryside preaching his message of the Kingdom of God, and enormous crowds of people gather. He teaches them, he heals them, he frees them from their sins, and he releases their burdens….

One gets a sense of a sea of need…. - a vast, continuous, endless line of people seeking help, searching for hope, reaching out for a helping hand.

Jesus responds to this…. what is to be done??…….So much!! – It is truly overwhelming how much need and pain and suffering there is in the world. 

Then, we hear that he rises very, very early, and goes off to a lonely place to pray to his Heavnly Father… connect…. To re-focus… to re-energise. (He didn't have any time in his busy day, so he made time in the quiet hours, because it was the absolutely vital source and meaning of everything he did. This gospel also shows us the importance of prayer…… Connectedness in our relationship with God…… it is absolutely vital that we too, take time out…. take a step back…. and see the big picture…… to connect to (God the father), the source and the power and the reason behind all our efforts and actions

Meanwhile, the crowds continue to search for him, and his disciples search for him and inform him that everyone is looking for him…..

The needs of these crowds are most certainly real… and they are urgent…. and immediate….. Yet, Jesus informs them that the message of his gospel is absolutely vital and so he needs to continue his journey to other people and places.  

Jesus, aware of the many urgent demands of the crowds… chooses to move on… to keep moving on;…. because "vital" overrides "urgent"…./ just as "important" overrides "pressing". (also, a worldly person might think to themselves, I will stay in this place, help these people, I can live comfortably having impressed this group of people and there is more than enough work here in this one place…  but Jesus is a perfect leader..  he is here to serve all, not just some, and he is not here to cement his own situation but for the good of others.   He must continue on his way… moving once more out of the familiar into the new… 

It must have been heartbreaking that he couldn't alone have individually touched and transformed each and every person he met. But there was no time.. and his mission was urgent, vital, and time was short// and his mission was on-going……

He leaves behind crowds of people still looking for healing, peace and hope….but he does not abandon them….His message… his presence for a short time has already brought the seeds of that hope taking root there…. In each of those many people in the many crowds, in all the places Jesus visited - ……. so many people will take away with them, deep in their hearts and minds, Christ's lifegiving message… and they will run with it…….

As Jesus message spreads to other communities… those people, too, receive his message and consolidate it, nurture it, allow it to become part of them, abiding deep within them. The holy Spirit builds on it (in and through the people who hear and respond to this)….. //

It's reassuring to us…. There is still so much to be done… so much we can do…. so little time to do it….. never enough hours in the day, //…days in the year….. // we do what we can…// and keep our eyes on the big picture…. and draw strength, inspiration and vision from our prayerful "time-out with God"…. to focus our energy… direct our choices and …. lead us mindfully through the "busy-ness" of our days with its many different possibilities and needs….. We can't do everything… We are all too aware of our limitations…. so we ask the Lord to help us do what we can do, well!  – With focus, clear priorities, and above all with love and compassion.

Lord, (in this), help us to know what is urgent… And help us to know what is vital - ….. (and adapting the words of the serenity prayer), Lord, give us the strength to leave behind even the urgent, when the vital calls us…….. and help us to know the difference…….
5th Sunday – Ordinary Time- Year B – 2021
Homily by Fr Peter Dillon:
If you were ever looking for a symbol of someone who personifies the adage "Life is not fair", then you need look no further than our dear suffering, put-upon friend from today's first reading, Job.

He lived an upright and blameless life. He had loving wife, seven sons and three daughters and a very large plot of land. He used his wealth and influence to help others. No one who came to Job's house for help ever left disappointed.

However in a series of disasters he lost his family, his friends, his fortune and his possessions. He lost everything, except his faith in God. Job, himself, along with many others asks, what he had done to deserve such a terrible fate. Why is he chosen to be God's victim?

This question, although very prevalent in Old Testament times, is still being asked today. It was thought then that suffering was connected to a person's conduct or that they might have been paying for the trespasses of their ancestors. They argued that Job must have sinned and that he should admit his guilt before God. If enduring this suffering wasn't bad enough, he had others telling him he should repent. God would not do this to an innocent person.

In today's reading we hear Job asking the eternal question, "why me?" Even though he pleads with God for an answer, he does not seem to be graced with that answer. Job is familiar to all of us: if few of us share his innocence, all of us can share his hurt and anguish. We have all lived through some of his despair and asked some of those ame questions.

Suffering is still a big problem. Every day we witness poverty, hunger, sickness, injustice, oppression and tragedy, and every day we ask why, often adding, "Why would God do this"?

In the gospels, Jesus did not so much answer "why suffering", as much as respond to it. He did not insulate himself from people's pain. As we hear today from the Gospel, he often surrounded himself with those who were physically and mentally ill. He made himself totally vulnerable to the wounded and the sick, yet he did not preach resignation to it. He did not like to see people suffer, and while he did all that he could to make them well again, he used the problem of suffering as an opportunity to show them what God is like. By the way he gave himself to the sick, he reveals to us the compassion of God in the face of human suffering.

It is very confronting for us to have to see those we love suffer and feel helpless to make to suffering end. While it is no easy thing, while we cannot always relieve the suffering, we can share it in some way. While we come to those who suffer with empty hands, we can use those hands for comforting. We can help someone to heal but not necessarily cure them.

 If only those around Job had thought to help him with his difficulties instead of adding to them with their accusations, then he may have found a strength within himself to manage his life better.

Often within our prayers for the suffering we ask God 'to fix it', we forget sometimes that Jesus himself went down that lonely and narrow road himself. We should take comfort that Jesus followed that road to the end, and it has never been the same for Christians since he travelled it. He showed us that though it might lead to Calvary, it doesn't end there. It ends at Easter, where the passion leads to glory.

Let us also pray for those who have to witness that suffer every day. Those nurses, doctors, hospital chaplains, aged care workers, ambulance officers and so many others. These are the ones who are God's compassion in human flesh, God's care in motion. While they may wonder as we do what is the reason for all this suffer, theydo not have to luxury of stopping to seek the answer. Like Christ they know they must just continuing to care, in case others do not.


PROLOGUE - Fr Paul W. Kelly

Life Application Study Bible Large Print. 2007. Carol Stream, Illinois.: Tyndale House Publishers. Pp  1054-1055.

Image Credit: Shutterstock Licensed. ID: 666869200 Job and his three friends. By askib

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (Sunday, February 7, 2021) (EPISODE: 277)

The Lord be with you.
{{Peace and Goodness to you all}} welcome everyone, we gather - Reflection upon God's word, and encounter Christ's presence.

Coming together as brothers and sisters, on this Sunday of the Word of God, let us ask the Fathers forgiveness, for he is full of gentleness and compassion

You were sent to heal the contrite of heart. Lord, have mercy.// You came to call sinners: Christ, have mercy. //You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us: Lord, have mercy.//
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Memorial Acclamation
2. When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.
Communion side. pwk: LH
(theme variation:
3 )
(pre+post variation:
{I pray that you have a wonderful and grace-filled week. }

Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.
NB - It is often a week or so Ahead:

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" - By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria, Copyright © 2011

- "Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of William John Kelly - Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly. Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

[ Production - KER - 2021]

May God bless and keep you.


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Fourth Sunday in OrdinaryTime, Year B - Sunday, January 31, 2021 (EPISODE:276)

Fourth Sunday in ordinary Time, Year B - Sunday, January 31, 2021

Readings for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B
FIRST READING: Deut 18: 15-20
Ps 95: 1-2, 6-7b, 7c-9. "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. "
SECOND READING: 1 Cor 7: 32-35
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Matt 4: 16). Alleluia, alleluia! A people in darkness have seen a great light. A radiant dawn shines on those lost in death.
GOSPEL: Mark 1: 21-28

Image - Shutterstock licensed Image: ID:719621203 Teachings of Jesus. Frescoes of the ancient byzantine church of Hagia Sophia in Trabzon. The remains of the ancient temple. Old church wall. JULY 4, 2017. By Nurlan Mammadzada
Please listen to the audio-recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers and homily), for Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - Sunday, January 31, 2021, by clicking this link here:  (EPISODE: 276)
* (Prologue by Fr Paul): Jesus, (in this weekend's gospel) is described as "speaking with authority" – something that both surprises and deeply impresses those who hear him. Our Lord is seen as having an authority that is very different from what they are used to experiencing from their regular religious leaders, who, you would think, should be inspiring figures, and one would also hope, speaking with authority -  but they were clearly not.

It goes to show, there are two types of authority;
One derives from the office that a person holds (the authority and respect due to the position a person holds),
and then there is the personal authority that speaks powerfully of the inner integrity, vision and values of THAT person.

When both are found together, then history has before them a great and impressive leader….

Jesus never had a formal office in his society (other than being rightly described as Rabbi or a teacher); however, his authority was absolute; flowing from deep within him, from the truth of who he is, (and his essential relationship to his heavenly Father); --

Ironically, the true test of a person's faithfulness to God is how they respond to the embodiment of God (in Jesus). These so-called faithful followers of God failed miserably in this test because they rejected Jesus and opposed his vision.

We must stay very close to the person and message of Jesus, and learn from him, and experience his compassion and love for all people, (because this is what motivates his mission – LOVE – at the very centre and nature of God). Without that, we too could fall into the trap of living the outward appearance and missing the point inside.

It is ironic, that Jesus was unable to cast out the evil of malice and deception that was in the hearts of his opponents, who lied and deceived in order to wrongly accuse him of sedition and to have him crucified. But, they were too wilful. They were deliberately and stubbornly cooperating with evil in their hearts and choosing to oppose Jesus, and so Jesus had to die and rise again in order to break their power.

We are called by Christ to cast out (with his help) all that is destructive, hate-filled, deceptive, unjust and unloving in our lives and hearts. We do it by prayer and by reflection and by staying very close to the Lord. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted our service of God's Kingdom and the values of the gospel. So, what really counts is listening to what God wants of us here and now. Married or single, with God's help, let us strive to live that vocation well.
Homily by Fr Peter Dillon:

Today we have a glut of public figures and there is depressing predictability about what they have to say. This builds within the community a terrible scepticism based on the predictability of what they have to say. How few of them speak with real authority. With modern-day media access and up-to-the-minute political and social commentators bombarding us whenever we turn on a television set, we have become used to hearing people speak to us with all different level of conviction and authority. This last week, with the United States inauguration of the president, there has been an extra effort to ensure the public that the necessary authority and honesty is going to be exercised in the governing of that country. Our own Australian political alliances mostly depend on how credible we believe our representatives to be. It was in this environment that the new president's phrase, " we are not to be an example of power, but to show power by example" is worthy of consideration.

In today's Gospel we read that Jesus made 'a deep impression on the people because unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority.' 

Why did Jesus make such an impact on his listeners? He appeared to speak from within from the heart, as we often say. He spoke as someone who had experienced what he talked about, and there is no authority like the authority of someone who has lived what they are saying.

As soon as he began to teach, the people recognised at once that there was a freshness and transparency about what he said, unlike the rabbis of the day. Rather than learning from books, he gave lessons from the great school of life. While it is a great shame that we don't know even more about his early life, where we could see what it was that formed him for his public ministry, we do know that he was well versed in the Jewish scriptures and attended the synagogue regularly, so he did speak from a foundation of knowledge of where the people were coming from. On many occasions, he tells us that he had not come to abolish the laws, but rather to fulfil them.

Yet he held no official position, he had no power by way of formal office or election. Yet this may have been helpful in drawing people to listen, as often people in an official position can be seen as not being their own person, but have to present the party line, as it were, whereas the person who has no such position has the freedom to say it, as it is. In fact, we know at this time in Israel none of the scribes would dare voice their own opinion and they frowned on anyone who did. No disagreement with them was tolerated, as Jesus came to discover at his peril.

It is important to distinguish between authority and influence on one hand and power and control on the other. Some people with the greatest moral authority are quite powerless, while the most influential have no need to control those they influence. We need only think of people like Mother Theresa and Pope Francis to understand how this can happen. Yet it is still possible to have all the authority in the world and still fail as a teacher because the key ingredients of sincerity, integrity and lived-witness are either shallow or non-existent. Even though we know we need to listen and follow their direction, we are wary of their motives and suspicious of their intentions. The character of the speaker is very important and when the speaker doesn't live according to their own words, they lose their authority.

The great American literary figure Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "What you are stands over you and thunders so loudly that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary".

Jesus was able to teach with conviction because he knew that his authority came for the Father to whom he was responsible. He had nothing to fear because he had truth to tell and that was clear to all who heard him. He possessed an authority unequalled by anyone else. Every Christian, irrespective of whether they hold an office, should use the example of Christ as the authority with which we should all speak and act, the kind that comes from a person of transparent integrity.
Fr Paul W. Kelly

Homily of the Abbot – Monastery of Christ in the Desert


Image - Shutterstock licensed Image: ID:719621203 Teachings of Jesus. Frescoes of the ancient Byzantine church of Hagia Sophia in Trabzon. The remains of the ancient temple. Old church wall. JULY 4, 2017. By Nurlan Mammadzada

Fourth Sunday in ordinary Time, Year B (Sunday, January 31, 2021) (EPISODE: 276)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
{{Peace and greetings to you all.}} welcome everyone, we gather - Praise, Worship of God

As we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery, let us admit our failings and ask the Lord for pardon and strength. 
option two on the cards/ Have mercy on us, O Lord./ For we have sinned against you./ Show us, O Lord, your mercy. And grant us your salvation.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Memorial Acclamation
1. We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
Communion side. pwk: RH
(theme variation:
2 )
(pre+post variation:
{thanks, everyone. And may God sustain you with his grace and love. }

Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here:

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" - By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria, Copyright © 2011

- "Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of William John Kelly - Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly. Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

[ Production - KER - 2021]

May God bless and keep you.


Monday, January 25, 2021



(EPISODE: 275)

First Reading: Isaiah 32:15-18
Psalm: Ps 84:9-14. R. "The Lord speaks of peace to his people."
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11   or  
Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 5:9
Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12   or

Image:  Photo by Will Turner on Unsplash
Please listen to my audio recordings of the readings, prayers and reflections for the AUSTRALIA DAY NATIONAL DAY (26TH JANUARY) (EPISODE: ) - by clicking this link here:    (EPISODE:  275 )

Australia Day - 
As we here in Australia celebrate our national day,  we recall that the name of our country is the Commonwealth of Australia.   And that is a wonderful name…   Commonwealth, means, we as a nation share our gifts un unity, and that we are united together in harmony for the common good of all people.   At this particular time, we pray that God will strengthen in us a strong belief and understanding the common values that hold us together as a nation.  There can be no profitable discourse or conversation or meeting of minds and hearts if we don't agree on any principles, or if 'truth' is something that is merely subjective to each person individually.   We need a sense of shared responsibility. This is so beautifully shown in the scriptures today.    Integrity, justice, peace, respect, as well as the beatitudes of the gospel….  These will surely make our community and our actions respectful of the dignity and true needs of all.

Lord open the hearts of people everywhere that God's graciousness, generosity and compassion will fill up the hearts of all in this nation….   So that we will act, after the example of Christ, with charity, generosity, compassion and countless of acts of practical care and support; including much-needed assistance to those who are struggling... 
Lord, grant harmony, goodwill and peace with all in our nation, and with all nations of the world. Give us a sense of shared fraternity with all people in our nation, especially the indigenous people of our land who are a wonderful gift and treasure to us all. 
And for much needed peace and harmony amongst people across the family of nations.

On this Australia Day, we give God heartfelt thanks, for the many gifts we have been given, and we are reminded that we live in a commonwealth… and that this commonwealth is for the common good…. the gifts we have are gifts to share for the benefit of each other…..  The gifts other individuals and communities within this nation, and the gifts and resources between all nations can be shared so that together we all have the gifts needed. The gifts that we have, we can share with others who have not, so that we all end up having the fullness of the gifts we need.
We pray that people everywhere will deepen their sense of belonging to a commonwealth for common good…. that there will be peace, respect, harmony and care for others in our society…. that we might always spare a thought for the person less fortunate, whether they be next door or in the next country……  
And today, (as every day) we pray that our nation and its people develop deep within ourselves yearning for the values of Jesus' Beatitudes…..   // Humility,// Gentleness, // A Passion and a practical commitment to working for Justice, //to be Peacemakers,// people who are merciful and able to reflect God's forbearance to others by giving them new starts, .....and a people who are single-minded in serving God's vision for the world….. respecting the dignity of all people...  caring for our resources...    treating others as we would have them treat us...  having an open heart to people everywhere who are doing it tougher than ourselves, including in this nation and also our brother and sister nations throughout the world.
It is good for us to stop and give thanks for God's many gifts to us in this blessed Southern land of the Holy Spirit…..
Fr Paul W. Kelly
Image:  Photo by Will Turner on Unsplash
Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here. 
NB - It is often a week or so Ahead: 

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love,  - Christian worship and reflection"  - Led by Rev Paul Kelly
Prayers and chants  — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)
Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989,  and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)
"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009,  The Grail - Collins publishers. 
Prayers of the Faithful -   " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'.   E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).
{Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" -  by Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The ….Gloria,  copyright 2011 } 
"Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of  William John Kelly -     Inspired by  1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul Kelly. Arranged, with additional lyrics and sung by Stefan Kelk. 2019.
"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.
"Today I Arise" - For Patricia Kelly.  By Paul W. Kelly.. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer.  Arranged, with additional lyrics and sung by Stefan Kelk. 2019. 
[ Production -  KER  2021] 
May God bless and keep you. 


(EPISODE:  275 )

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Coming together as brothers and sisters in Christ, let us pause and reflect upon our sins, in order to celebrate the Holy Eucharist.

Lord Jesus, you came to gather the nations into the peace of God's kingdom: Lord, have mercy// 

You come in word and in sacrament to strengthen us and make us holy: Christ, have mercy//

You will come again in glory with salvation for your people: Lord, have mercy.

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.


Prayers Of The Faithful
* For our nation on this Australia Day. that we renew our determination to work together for justice, reconciliation and the common good.   (PAUSE)  Lord hear us:              
* For our indigenous brothers and sisters, the first peoples of Australia: that we have the grace to listen to their stories, understand their mourning and walk gently with them on this ancient land. (PAUSE)  Lord hear us:                         
* For country communities suffering from the health and emotional and financial effects of the covid pandemic. That every effort is made to provide practical assistance and resources needed to manage.  (PAUSE)  Lord hear us:             
* For children and teachers returning to school this week. that they begin the year with energy and enthusiasm for the adventure of learning.      (PAUSE)  Lord hear us:       
Memorial Acclamation

When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.


Sundays Australia Day Preface

Eucharistic Prayer II 

Communion side.  pwk:  
Go in Peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.


A reading from the prophet Isaiah

Once more there will be poured on us
the spirit from above;
then shall the wilderness be fertile land;
and fertile land become forest.
In the wilderness justice will come to live
and integrity in the fertile land;
integrity will bring peace,
justice give lasting security.
My people will live in a peaceful home,
in safe houses,
in quiet dwellings.
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

R. The Lord speaks of peace to his people.
I will hear what the Lord God has to say,
a voice that speaks of peace.
His help is near for those who fear him
and his glory will dwell in our land. R.
Mercy and faithfulness have met;
justice and peace have embraced.
Faithfulness shall spring up from the earth
and justice look down from heaven. R.
The Lord will make us prosper
and our earth shall yield its fruit.
Justice shall march before him
and peace shall follow his steps. R.


A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians

There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord; working in all sorts of different ways in different people, it is the same God who is working in all of them. The particular way in which the Spirit is given to each person is for a good purpose. One may have the gift of preaching with wisdom given him by the Spirit; another may have the gift of preaching instruction given him by the same Spirit; and another the gift of faith given by the same Spirit; another again the gift of healing, through this one Spirit; one, the power of miracles; another, prophecy; another the gift of recognising spirits; another the gift of tongues and another the ability to interpret them. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, who distributes different gifts to different people just as he chooses.
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.


A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Romans

Do not let your love be a pretence, but sincerely prefer good to evil. Love each other as much as brothers and sisters should, and have a profound respect for each other. Work for the Lord with untiring effort and with great earnestness of spirit. If you have hope, this will make you cheerful. Do not give up if trials come; and keep on praying. If any of the saints are in need you must share with them; and you should make hospitality your special care.
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Alleluia, alleluia!
Happy the peacemakers:
they shall be called children of God.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew

Jesus began to speak to the crowds. This is what he taught them:
'How happy are the poor in spirit:
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Happy the gentle:
they shall have the earth for their heritage.
Happy those who mourn:
they shall be comforted.
Happy those who hunger and thirst for what is right:
they shall be satisfied.
Happy the merciful:
they shall have mercy shown them.
Happy the pure in heart:
they shall see God.
Happy the peacemakers:
they shall be called sons of God.
Happy those who are persecuted in the cause of right:
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
'Happy are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.'


Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth;
you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke
It has pleased your heavenly Father to give you the Kingdom.
Jesus said to his disciples, 'That is why I am telling you not to worry about your life and what you are to eat, nor about your body and how you are to clothe it. For life means more than food, and the body more than clothing. Think of the ravens. They do not sow or reap; they have no storehouses and no barns; yet God feeds them. And how much more are you worth than the birds! Can any of you, for all his worrying, add a single cubit to his span of life? If the smallest things, therefore, are outside your control, why worry about the rest? Think of the flowers; they never have to spin or weave; yet, I assure you, not even Solomon in all his regalia was robed like one of these. Now if that is how God clothes the grass in the field which is there today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, how much more will he look after you, you men of little faith! But you, you must not set your hearts on things to eat and things to drink; nor must you worry. It is the pagans of this world who set their hearts on these things. Your Father well knows you need them. No; set your hearts on his kingdom, and these other things will be given you as well.
'There is no need to be afraid, little flock, for it has pleased your Father to give you the kingdom.'


Entrance Antiphon
I will thank you, Lord, among the peoples, praise you among the nations; for your love reaches to the heavens and your truth to the skies.
Opening Prayer
Father ever generous,
enlighten us with new vision
to see your shaping hand at work
in all the gifts to our country
with which your providence frames our lives.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit.
God, for ever and ever.
Prayer Over the Gifts
God of all power,
accept the gifts we offer with ourselves
to become the pure bread of Christ
and the new wine of the kingdom.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
Communion Antiphon
O Bless the Lord, my soul, and remember all his kindness.
Prayer After Communion
All-provident God,
through these sacraments of your love
grant us always to live in this land
united in purpose and freed in the Spirit
until the final feast at heaven's table.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

May the God of truth and love
make you eager to share your gifts with others.
May God who has shown his justice to the nations
make you tireless messengers in his service.
May God who has shown you his salvation
guide you swiftly to the inheritance he has promised.
May almighty God bless you
the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Preface for Australia day

The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give him thanks and praise.
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.
Out of your infinite glory
you have given us the power through your Spirit
for our hidden self to grow strong,
so that Christ may live in our hearts through faith.
Through him you have blessed our land.
The fierce flood of your grace sweeps away all barriers,
and soaks deep into our being,
so that the desert blooms with the life that lies in wait.
You will give us the strength
to grasp the breadth and the length
and height and the depth
of that utter fullness of your love
which surpasses all knowledge.
With all the hosts of heaven,
we give you glory from generation to generation
in our song of praise:

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B –Sunday, January 24, 2021 (EPISODE: 274)

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year BSunday, January 24, 2021

(EPISODE: 274)

Readings for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - B
FIRST READING: Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Ps 25: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9. "Teach me your ways, O Lord."
SECOND READING: 1 Cor 7: 29-31
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Mark 1: 15). Alleluia, alleluia! The Kingdom of God is near. Believe the Good News.
GOSPEL: Mark 1: 14-20

Image - Shutterstock licensed Image: ID:72512117. SAN GIMIGNANO, ITALY - JULY 11, 2017: Fresco depicting Jesus calling of Saint Peter and Andrew, in the Collegiata of San Gimignano, Italy. By jorisvo.
Please listen to the audio-recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers and homily), for Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B – Sunday, January 24, 2021 by clicking this link here:  (EPISODE: 274)
Prologue: (Fr Paul): -Our first reading this weekend is from the wonderful Book of Jonah. This delightful and very short book of the bible is well worth reading in its entirety. [Have a look here:].

We only get a small but delicious taste of the book of Jonah in today's reading.  Prior to this, God has told Jonah to go and preach repentance to the people of the great city of Nineveh. But, Jonah hates the people there and does not want to go and preach repentance; because they are his enemies and he is worried they might turn and repent and be saved; and Jonah didn't want that. 

Jonah seems happy to have everything just the way it always was. That is, with Jonah and his people's good books, and people like the Ninevites, in God's bad books, marked for destruction. It is all very well complaining about how bad people are who don't agree with us or do the wrong thing by us, but what if our enemies were to see the error of their ways and change? They would become no longer enemies but allies, and this would require a whole new way of thinking, relating and acting. It's all too much!! At least when someone is in the category of "the enemy," where have them carefully labelled and we know where they stand. Repentance means a whole new situation.

So, Jonah runs away in the opposite direction. But we all know that you cannot run away from God. God pursues him and continues to call on him to deliver God's message of love and God's heartfelt invitation to repent.  

Jonah does not have a vested interest in them, but God does. God created the Ninevites, as much as God created Jonah. God loves them and cares for them, and wants them to turn away from sin and be saved. 

Jonah, (perhaps like us too),  doesn't want change or surprise. We all bemoan the contrariness of a rival or an enemy but do we really desire that they change their ways because this means new ways of relating to them as well.

The slow but sure emerging of the Kingdom of God MEANS change and transformation… and that is painful and challenging and at times very unsettling; because it means a re-ordering of values and changing of relationships. It means inviting "inside" those who were previously "outside" God's chosen ones. Also, possibly some will also find themselves "outside" who used to be "inside."  God has a way of turning things on their head. And for Jonah and the Ninevites, this is one of those great examples.

At times I wonder if we fully appreciate how truly different God's ways are to human's ways and thoughts, and what that means for us who are Disciples of Christ.
You could imagine the half-hearted, whispering "calling-out" of Jonah as the preaches "repent now or in forty days Nineveh will be destroyed!."   Only to find the people saying: "What was that you were whispering?  Repent or perish?  Oh, okay. We repent! We will change immediately. Thank you for this warning, we will truly heed it. Quickly everyone, proclaim fasting and penance!"  

Jonah was appalled and horrified. They have changed. They will be saved! They are now his friends (not his enemies). So Jonah goes off sulking and is mortally offended with God. But, isn't God right to care about his people???

Today's readings are all rather striking!

Each of them shows a response which is immediate and wonderful.
· Jonah preaches and The Ninevites surprisingly repent and change Immediately.
· Paul calls upon everyone to live in the immediate moment, for the day of the Lord is imminent.
· Jesus calls his disciples and they leave IMMEDIATELY!

Jesus' call is offering a whole new world, a new vision and a new set of relationships. The values of the gospel are revealed in their fullness.

If the disciples paused and thought about what they were doing, they could have dreamt up heaps of reasons why they shouldn't go…  their business, the risks, the insecurity, and so on….    But they did not let these things get in the way. Thank goodness, they responded to the call straight away.  This is not encouraging recklessness because surely Jesus called people after a lot of prayer and discernment and he called disciples whom he had observed were already living in a way that showed their longing for the values of the Kingdom to be established in its fullness.
Along comes Jesus… and he says- "the time has arrived..  come… follow me…."  (and they DO. IMMEDIATELY). (It is what they have been waiting for!).

In our lives, Jesus calls each one of us, in big and small ways -  in the daily events and people of life. In our words, actions and priorities, let us respond immediately and with trust.
Fr Peter Homily -   3rd Sunday – Ordinary Time – Year B – 2021

Whenever we hear the word 'conversion' we think it applies to other people, those who are yet to hear the word of God. That's not us, we think. I'm already here in Church. But are we really here really present ready to hear and act upon what we hear? That is the real meaning of conversion. Ready to hear, act and transform ourselves.

Similarly when Jesus began his public ministry with the call to "Repent and believe the Good news", to whom was he referring? Was it simply meant for sinners or was it directed at everyone, even the good and those who already believed? Why did they need to repent?

Repentance and conversion are the two themes of today's readings. Many of us find the idea of repentance a disturbing one. To repent means to change one's outlook on life, and to adjust one's outlook accordingly. It means a change of heart and a change of life, sometimes even a complete reversal of life. As such it is bound to be painful, which is why people are so slow to embrace it. Often it is easier to let things stay the same and we want our beliefs to just be left alone. We may not want to look too deeply or question our values and attitudes, in case in honesty, we find ourselves living a rather shallow and uniformed faith.

To answer the call to repentance one must first have a feeling of dissatisfaction or that something is missing and we are longing for something better. The conversion experience begins with the realisation that we are not what we could and should be. Of course, this realisation requires, no, it demands honesty and humility that will put an end to our self-deception. The courage to admit one's guilt, ask for forgiveness and confront a painful reality.

Of course, some people can see where they should be heading but still don't move. They want any changes to happen by means of a magic wand, with little or no discomfort to our prayer life or pastoral involvements.

Repentance is not simply about feeling guilty, it is about discovering something wonderful about yourself, mainly that you have potentialities that you didn't know you had. It can offer you a new, clearer vision, ways of living better and opening you up to a new life with new ways of being with God.

To repent means to be converted and we would be mistaken in thinking that it is a quick process. In Mark's Gospel, we get the impression that the call of the disciples was both short and instantaneous and that their relationship with Jesus came out of the blue. St. John, however, makes it clear that this was not the case. He lets us know that their connection with Jesus had to go through stages of growth which probably began with them standing in the crowd, listening to him and then gradually getting to know him personally. Of course, once they met him they felt the magnetism of his personality, they came to see that the light he shone for them was clear and strong and made possible their decision to follow him. We know then that they literally left everything they had come to value before –their livelihood, possessions, security and family. Complete and utter devotion. We might have said that they were unbalanced to do such a thing if we ourselves hadn't recognised some of that same zeal in our own involvement with Jesus. We know that in order to follow our faith we are called to make similar sacrifices around our ambitions, securities and plans and it does often involve moving into the unknown. All potentially confronting for us, until we weigh up what we receive in return. Each time we accept the invitation to "Follow me", we necessarily need to turn away from something, and that is the price of heeding the call to discipleship.

We honestly know that when we are left to ourselves we tend to follow the line of least resistance. Hence we need someone to challenge us, who has our best interest at heart and who will not let us settle for anything less than the best we are capable of being. And that is what the fishermen discovered and the call was too strong to ignore.

Realistically we know that this new way of living and understanding God cannot be achieved quickly and painlessly, otherwise, everyone would opt to do it. Rather it involves a journey and a struggle, which is a necessary facet of the Christian life. A life that is always a continuous process of conversion.
Homily by Fr peter Dillon

Prologue - Fr Paul W. Kelly

Image - Shutterstock licensed Image: ID:72512117. SAN GIMIGNANO, ITALY - JULY 11, 2017: Fresco depicting Jesus calling of Saint Peter and Andrew, in the Collegiata of San Gimignano, Italy. By jorisvo

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B  (Sunday, January 24, 2021(EPISODE: 274)
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (or/ The Lord be with You)
{{Good wishes to you all.}} welcome everyone, we gather -  Silence, reflection, prayer and contemplation of our God. 

Coming together as brothers and sisters in Christ, let us prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries by recalling our sins and remembering Christ's greater mercy. 
I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault,* through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.
Memorial Acclamation
3. Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.
Various Occasions 2
Communion side.  pwk:  LH
(theme variation:
1 )
(pre+post variation:
{heartfelt thanks to you all, for uniting in prayer and for reflection, upon God's overflowing goodness and care.}

Go forth, the Mass is ended.

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.
NB - It is often a week or so Ahead:

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection"  - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants  — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989,  and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009,  The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful -   " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'.   E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" -  By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria,  Copyright © 2011

- "Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of  William John Kelly -     Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time."  Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly.  Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer.  Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

[ Production -  KER -  2021]

May God bless and keep you.
