Thursday, June 01, 2023

The SOLEMNITY OF THE Most Holy Trinity. Year A - Sunday, June 4, 2023 (EPISODE-423 )

Readings for Sunday, June 4, 2023 - The Most Holy Trinity. Year A
FIRST READING: Exod 34:4b-6, 8-9
Dan 3:52, 53, 54, 55  "Glory and praise forever!"
2 Cor 13:11-13
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (cf. Rev 1:8). Alleluia, alleluia! Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To God who is, who was, and who is to come.
John 3:16-18

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: Stock Photo ID: 467095817   - Troitsky Cathedral, Saint Petersburg, Russia-circa July, 2016: holy icon.  Important information: Editorial Use Only. Photo Contributor: Antracit

Please listen to the audio recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers, and homily), for The Most Holy Trinity. Year A - Sunday, June 4, 2023, by clicking this link here:  (EPISODE-423 )
THIS WEEKEND'S GOSPEL -  The Communion of the Most Holy Trinity 

The celebration of God as Trinity also reveals to us the true nature of God and shows us what is in the heart of the One who is at the centre of the universe. That nature of our God is a perfect community of persons with one divine nature - and within this union is - communion, sharing, harmony, and above all, LOVE.   

If we look at what Jesus did not hunger for, it is very revealing. He did not hunger for money. He warned us to be very wary of its hollow charms. He did not hunger for popularity. In fact, a thief and a murderer (namely Barabbas) revoltingly won the popularity contest.  The TRUE thirsting and hunger of Jesus is this::- He longed to share with others. He thirsted for others' faith and participation. He longed to protect and comfort the poor and the struggling. He could hardly wait to usher in the Kingdom of peace, mercy, grace, and inclusion. To invite us into the inner life of God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - The Three in One! 

It breaks your heart, doesn't it…Seeing so many people throughout the world clearly searching for something that will truly satisfy their longings…. And yet… they go down paths that seem life-giving.. Seem attractive… but ultimately prove to be dead-ends and unsatisfying…… but does it stop us…. No…. we can tend to keep rushing down the path of the next attractive glittering possibility…. Whether it be the pursuit of money as the supposed solution to everything….., power, influence, or celebrity, ….. so many things in this world and this society cry out for our attention and invite us to get enmeshed in them…… May the Spirit of truth guide us as we discern, through the light of Jesus' words and actions, just what are the lifegiving treasures to put all our heart and soul into…

When we look at our local parish community…..  We are heartened……. In so many ways, people have asked themselves, "Now that I am following Jesus, what shall I DO in practical ways.... to make a difference......" - God has answered our prayers in many very satisfying ways that bring grace and benefit and service to so many.. people have joined the St Vincent de Paul Society, and done wonderful work and practical actions to make a difference in the lives of people in need. Others have joined the Surfers Paradise catholic ladies… and shared in the community, combining prayer, friendship and good works to help others…..….   Others have joined Rosies,...  street ministry……to reach out to our brothers and sisters who are living on the streets and in need…..   and many other ministries in the parish and in the wider community too. 

A  wonderful variety of ministries and activities of the parish's mission ... the list is wonderfully long. There is so much to do, and God is calling each one of us in our own local sphere of influence to be united and in communion with each other in a spirit of cooperation, practical assistance, and spiritual support.  



Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: Stock Photo ID: 467095817   - Troitsky Cathedral, Saint Petersburg, Russia-circa July, 2016: holy icon.  Important information: Editorial Use Only. Photo Contributor: Antracit

To listen to the Sunday Mass each week (including homily) from Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish, please visit this link: Liturgy for you at Home (by SPCP) - 
 Also found at - 

The Most Holy Trinity. Year A (Sunday, June 4, 2023) (EPISODE- 423)

The Lord be with you.

{{Shalom (peace) as we gather - To offer or praise, prayers and intercessions to God.}}

As one family in Christ, let us prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries by calling to mind our sins.
You were sent to heal the contrite of heart. Lord, have mercy.// You came to call sinners:Christ, have mercy. //You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us:Lord, have mercy.//
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Dan 3:52, 53, 54, 55 (diff). "Glory and praise forever!"

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (cf. Rev 1:8). Alleluia, alleluia! Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. To God who is, who was, and who is to come.
Memorial Acclamation
1. We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
PREFACE: Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity
Euch prayer two

(theme variation: 4)

The Lord be with you.

{Shalom (peace) as we gather - To offer or praise, prayers and intercessions to God.)

(pre+post variation: v2-long)

{I gratefully acknoweldge and give thanks to God for your prayers at this time of prayer and reflection upon our God.}

Go forth, the Mass is ended.

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to the weekly mass/homily audio podcast, please click this link here:

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address: Subscribe to mailing list to keep up-to-date  (

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - "Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993). (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" - By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria, Copyright © 2011

- "Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of William John Kelly - Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly. Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

Sound Engineering and editing - P.W. Kelly.

Microphones: - Shure MV5 Digital Condenser (USB)

Editing equipment:
NCH software - MixPad Masters v10.27. Multitrack Studio Recording Software
NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 17.42

Sound Processing: iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor v.6.10.4320

[Production - KER - 2023]
May God bless and keep you.

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