Thursday, January 05, 2023

Sunday 8th January 2023. Sunday – Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Years ABC -

Sunday 8th January 2023. Sunday – Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Years ABC - 

Epiphany of the Lord. Years ABC - 

Readings for  - Epiphany of the Lord. Year ABC
FIRST READING: Isaiah 60:1-6
Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13. "Lord, every nation on earth will adore you."
SECOND READING: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Alleluia). Alleluia, alleluia! We have seen his star in the East, and have come to adore the Lord.
GOSPEL: Matt 2:1-12

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Illustration ID: 229407499 - Abstract background, Christian Christmas scene with a shining star in the sky, the birth of Jesus, and three wise men on camels, illustration. Illustration Contributor: losw
Please listen to the audio recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers, and homily) for Epiphany of the Lord. Year ABCC - by clicking this link here:

*Prologue (Fr Paul Kelly)
On this feast of the Epiphany, we celebrate that God's glory has been revealed to all the nations, and not just the chosen people of Israel. People from every corner of the earth, of every nation and race. Generations of people. God's revelation, God's invitation, is for all people of all times and places.   
Whenever I read this gospel passage…   I cannot help but be struck by the disturbing irony in it…..
King Herod summons the Wise men from the East…  they come to listen to him…. they don't know him,….. they know he is a King… they would probably assume he was a noble and gracious King…. but he is not… is filled with hatred and jealousy…. and murderous intentions….
Herod manages to control his emotions while consulting with the Wise men….. he seems genuinely interested in the Star and the possibility of a king being born………  I almost imagine he is choking on his words when he says…  "When you find him, tell me too…  because I too want to go and …..   do….. him………(ahem)…. 'homage'…… We, the listeners…. The audience to this Gospel drama…. Know better….  Herod hates Jesus… and rejects his Kingship….  And wants to kill him….     He might as well have said….      " (when you find him, tell me too…  because I too want to go and …..  'do him in' !!!).
Herod wants nothing more than to kill Jesus! he is a liar!     He wants to tear down, not build up! …. to destroy and blot out forever the child who is the hoped-for 'Light for all nations'…..  Can there be any hatred greater than one that wants to blot out HOPE from the earth……for the sake of his own power…  his own comfort????  It is fitting that the Wise Men, after having met Jesus, 'go home by another road' – it says they listened to Herod… but it is clear that they didn't swallow everything he said…..
Instead….  they have been converted… they are different….  changed……. New men… in fact… will never again be able to go down the old paths…   it is all-new, having met and discovered Jesus.   ….   They will not go and tell (hateful) Herod about what they have seen… but resolutely go home by a new pathway….   (their lives changed) to live the new reality of what they have experienced……
In the gospel today, the Wise Men from the East ultimately FIND the King for whom they had searched so diligently ……..   Jesus! ….   a humble baby lying in the manger… is found to be the revelation of God to the world…….  the LIGHT of revelation for all.
The gospel today uses the quote from Micah…. "you Bethlehem are by no means the LEAST"…. this is really important……    not only is Bethlehem FAR FROM BEING the LEAST of all cities… but this humble baby in a humble manger is not by any means the LEAST of all babies….  and the shepherds are not anywhere near the least of all people……   there is more than one REVELATION going on here (for the eyes of faith to see!)…   The message is repeated in later sections of Matthew's gospel: (The wise men, and us too…  are being shown something deeply important…..)
….. at first sight, the 'poor and forgotten' of our society are insignificant….  but this is WRONG….  they are in fact GREAT… because it is THROUGH THEM. that the Lord is coming to us……. 
The reaction of the Magi is interesting too……    when they enter the presence of God…  revealed in his humble baby in a manger… they immediately open up treasure chests filled with gifts……
This must always be our reaction, too, in the presence of God…..      when we come before the presence of Jesus… we too must open up our hearts and offer God our gifts……   the response of a person to the revelation of God's presence is one of openness, generosity and service……… 
The Magi… offered Jesus gifts of Gold (for Kingship)//, Frankincense (acknowledging Jesus as Priest and sacrifice)// and Myrrh (for burial- looking to the eventual death of the Lord on the Cross)//…….  We too come before Jesus and we too offer our gifts to the Lord…..
 What are the gifts that WE are laying before the Lord??…….   let us think about what gifts we are presenting to Jesus for him to use of……. Gifts God gave us in the first place.
 let us take some time, at the start of this new year… to come into the presence of Jesus……   the Light to all nations….. and think about what gift (individual to each of us)……that we are called upon to present before the Lord …..for the Lord to use and transform….. that great first reading, from Isaiah, also shows something interesting…  'what is our response to seeing the revelation of Christ… who is a light shining in the darkness of the world……"…  our response must be this… "arise…  shine… for your light has come,.. and the glory of the Lord has risen upon us…"…. so when we encounter Christ..  we must become lights ourselves…..  going out… to radiate Christ's light to everyone we meet…… 
This message reminds us… 'we must believe so that the world can begin to believe'   -  WE must radiate Christ's light to the world.. and all peoples…. so that people can experience Christ's light shining through us too.
Today…  we kneel before the Christ child…  we bow… and open up our treasure chests… what gift is it that we lay before our Lord…????
Fr Paul W. Kelly
also Mark Link: Vision – Year A
Gustavo Gutierrez: Sharing the Word through the Liturgical Year
Abbot's homily:
Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Illustration ID: 229407499 - Abstract background, Christian Christmas scene with a shining star in the sky, the birth of Jesus, and three wise men on camels, illustration. Illustration Contributor: losw

Epiphany of the Lord. Year C  (Sunday, January 2, 2022)  (EPISODE: 343)
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (or/ The Lord be with You)
{{Joy and peace to everyone}}

my brothers and sisters, to prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sins.
Lord Jesus, the nations of the world are drawn to your light. Lord have mercy.
You are the radiant star of justice. Lord have mercy
You are the first fruits of the nations. Christ have mercy.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.
Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13. "Lord, every nation on earth will adore you."

Alleluia, alleluia! We have seen his star in the East; and have come to adore the Lord.

Memorial Acclamation
3. Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.
PREFACE: Epiphany
Communion side.  pwk:  RH
(theme variation: v5 )
(pre+post variation: v1-lshort)

{thank you for your company as we have given thanks and praise to our God.}

Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.

Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection"  - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants  — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989,  and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009,  The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful -   " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'.   E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" -  By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria,  Copyright © 2011

Christmas Hymn - "Word Made Flesh" by Paul W. Kelly. Based upon: John's Gospel 1:14,  1 John 4:9 , & Isaiah 9:2, 6, 7.
(Written on 8/5/20; 10/9/20).  Arranged and sung by Stefan Kelk, with adjusted lyrics.  2020.

Traditional hymn:
"We Three Kings," performed by the Bobby Cole Chamber Choir, licensed via )

Sound Engineering and editing -  P.W. Kelly.

Microphones: -      SHURE MV5 usb

Editing equipment:    NCH software - MixPad Multitrack Studio Recording Software
NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 12.44

Sound Processing:  iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor

[Production -  KER -  2023]
May God bless and keep you.

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