Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Year A – (episode 398)

The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Year A – (episode 398)

Due to the timing of the date of Christmas and new year both falling on a Sunday, this feast of the holy family which usually falls on the first Sunday after Christmas is moved this year to a Friday – a weekday feast.

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary And Joseph. Year A - 

Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 3:2-6, 12-14; 

Responsorial Psalm. 127:1-5. R. Happy are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.

Colossians 3:12-21;

Gospel Acclamation. Colossians 3:15, 16 (JB). Alleluia, alleluia! May the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, and the fullness of his message live within you. Alleluia!

Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23

Stock illustration Shutterstock licensed image - ID: 586044503 – "Holy family of Jesus, Mary and St Joseph the worker."  Artistic abstract religious design. By Thoom.
Please listen to my audio recordings of the readings, prayers and reflections for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Year A - by clicking this link here:     (episode 398))    

"'The Christian family ... can and should be called a domestic church'" (2204). To see the family as the Church "in miniature," and to call the Church itself the "family of God," are ideas that have been present from the early centuries of Christianity.

... The family has a high vocation in the Church. ...because it is a "communion of persons," it is "a sign and image of the communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit." the family reflects the Father's work of creation." Moreover, the Christian family "is called to partake of the prayer and sacrifice of Christ," and it "has an evangelizing and missionary task" (2205).

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are a wonderful expression of the union and cooperation we are all called to as we work to build up God's kingdom,  which includes working together as one and joining as one big family in Christ.  

This weekend let us pray that families receive every support because this is where the faith is often first handed down, and this is where the values of Christ can most effectively be modelled in action.  All that is good and life-giving about families is an expression of God's kingdom of unity, peace and love and mutual support.  May the Holy family inspire us deeply to reaffirm our decision to respond to every event and surprise in our lives as a loving, compassionate family, and like Mary and Joseph may we be quick to respond to what God is doing in our lives. 

In many ways, today's feast and readings continue on the Christmas message. God is true to us in our lives and in the ordinary daily events of life.

It is nice that the Feast of the Holy Family follows on so closely the celebration of Christ's birth. Christmas is a special time for families; for treasuring the gift of our families; for being close to family and friends. And remembering with love those who have gone before us and given us so much love, friendship and care. They still smile upon us from the Heavenly banquet feast. / 

Speaking of family, there is also the blessing of the family that is our parish community and fellow Christian communities. And in many ways, this is the key. "Being family" in the parish and in the wider community is where we put into action what Our Lord spent his life and ministry modelling so perfectly. He truly included others-  All others! - into his family. and into his priorities. This is very important. Our daily lives are truly meant to be transformed, in a VERY REAL WAY, by Our Lord's message that we are to treat everyone we meet as beloved members of The Lord's family.

Our Lord was born into our world. He was also born into a human family. He too experienced the joys and struggles of family life. It may have been a close family. But things were far from always being a case of 'happy families.' Rather, The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, faced difficulties, struggles and grave dangers in their time. This includes having to flee for their lives to Egypt, as refugees, in order to escape the deadly jealousy and malice of King Herod. Herod meant to find Our Lord and kill him if he found him. His murderous jealousy was so bad, he was killed many infants of the same age, in an attempt to destroy the Messiah. It is a horrible situation.

To Our Lord, family meant a lot. He had the greatest respect for his parents. And he was highly critical of anyone who dared to neglect their duty to their parents under the weak excuse of some religious obligation. To him, the duties to the family were an expression of the mutual duty of care and love that we owe to our beloved Father of all, in Heaven.

But, in another place in the gospel, Our Lord makes a "seemingly" contradictory statement about his family. When his mother and other relatives come to see him, they cannot get inside because of all the crowds. So they call for him and send a message to him to let him know they are there. Our Lord replies: -" Who are my mother. Who are my brothers? They are anyone who hears my words and keeps them. They are my brother, my sister and my mother."

Mary, that first and most perfect of disciples, rose to the invitation, and was Our Lord's Mother in fact and also in "discipleship of his Word." All are invited to respond to this wonderful invitation. Jesus welcomes us to be real members of his family and to be part of God's life. And at the same time, we are challenged to treat everyone around us as if they are our relatives. For in Christ, that is exactly who they are!

In fact, it is precisely because family means everything to Our Lord, that he can make this stunning claim. He loves his family. He continues to show care and devotion to his mother, Mary, -(And he was an obedient and attentive son to his step-father, the humble Joseph). The image of God that Our Lord presents to us is revealed as a loving and inclusive community. Father, Son and Spirit. Three persons in one God. A family, in itself; - Sharing perfect union, communion and one nature as God. It is into this community that Our Lord invites each of us. We are welcomed and 'implanted' into the very life of God. We share the inner relationship of God as members of God's family.

So, Our Lord is not narrowing the definition of the family but he is quite literally extending the definition of family. To include many others and to exclude no-one from the invitation.

How would the world be different if all people truly saw each other as if they were related as blood relations? What would it be like if the people being treated as the 'least' in this world were suddenly recognized by everyone as if they were just like their own sister, brother, or mother?

As I drive along in my car, I often reflect on people's values revealed by how they drive.

Who amongst us if we were stuck behind some cautious driver, would not check their behaviour if they realized the person in the car ahead of them was their own sister or mother. Would we tailgate someone to pressure them to move out the way, to the point that they panic and almost run off the road? Would we do that to our own mother? Surely we wouldn't sharply overtake one of our own family members – leaving them panic-stricken at the said of the road? Would we erratically or aggressively drive towards another car until it almost crashed, if it was our own sister?  Our Lord is saying, in a real way we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

So presumably when people are tempted to treat another poorly, they cannot be thinking of the people around them as their brother, their sister and their mother. The people on the news locked in violent attacks and counter-attacks on their enemies, obviously do not see the other as if they are a beloved member of their own family. If they thought like this, how many conflicts could be solved humanely?  Our Lord's life and ministry show that this is not just a pipe-dream, but a real world-changing attitude. Difficulties and conflicts occur even in families, but the ties of family are often an enormous motivator for finding respectful solutions, long after other connections have broken down.

Our Lord was never stuck on exclusive membership of anything. And so he invites us to be family members of his, along with everyone else. There is plenty of room for everyone.

May this profoundly affect our daily lives. May it give to the world a deeper sense of respect and reverence for the dignity of every human person, and give us a sense of peace as one family of many nations, cultures and languages. This is what the world longs for, and for which it quietly hopes.
Fr Paul W. Kelly

MY DAILY VISITOR REFLECTION, December 26th. Holy Family.

stock illustration Shutterstock licensed image - ID: 586044503 – "Holy family of Jesus, Mary and St Joseph the worker."  Artistic abstract religious design. By Thoom.

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary And Joseph. Year  A
(episode 398)

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
{{May God's Spirit of Knowledge and reverence}}

Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Lord Jesus, you are mighty God and Prince of Peace. Lord have mercy// 
You are Son of God and the Son of Mary. Christ have mercy//
You are Word made flesh, the splendour of the Father. Lord have mercy.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Memorial Acclamation

3. Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.


Nativity of the Lord II

Eucharistic Prayer II

Communion side. PWK:  LH
{I pray that you have a wonderful and grace-filled new Year.}

Go forth, the Mass is ended.

Archive of homilies and reflections: http://homilycatholic. Blogspot. om. u
To contact Fr. Paul, please email paulwkelly68@gmail. om

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here. https://soundcloud. om/user-633212303/tracks 

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love, A time of Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul W. Kelly
Texts used in this programme are for the purposes of worship and prayer for listeners wherever you are.
Prayers and chants are taken from the English Translation of the Roman Missal, edition three, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy.

Scriptures are from the New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, by the national council of Churches of Christ, USA. , //adaptations to conform with Catholic liturgical norms, © 2009, by the same.

 [{selected psalms } - ***Psalm verses are (also) taken from "The Psalms: A New Translation" ©1963, The Grail (England), published by Collins. **]

Prayers of the Faithful are adapted from Robert Borg's 1993 book " Together we pray." Published in Sydney Australia By E.. Dwyer. (out of print).

{ "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" -published 2011, Composed and Sung by Jeffrey M. Ostrowski
Featuring the. loria, The Creed, The Kyrie, The Mass parts, Psalms: http://www. cwatershed. rg/chabanel/ ]]] ] COPYRIGHT @ 2018 CORPUS CHRISTI WATERSHED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Www. cwatershed. rg/vatican/Ralph_Sherwin_Videos/ 

"Faith, Hope and Love" theme Hymn: Words, based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, set to original music © 1996 by Paul W. Kelly.

For more details please visit  

Contact us at paulwkelly68@gmail. om 
Production by KER (Kelly Enterprises Resources) 2022

May God bless and keep you.

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