Thursday, April 21, 2022

Liturgy and Homily - Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish - Second Sunday of Easter. Year C. Divine Mercy Sunday - 24-Apr-22(EPISODE: 361)

Second Sunday of Easter. Year C. Divine Mercy Sunday - 24-Apr-22
(EPISODE: 361)

Readings for 24-Apr-22 - Second Sunday of Easter. Year C. Divine Mercy Sunday
Acts 5:12-16
Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24. "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting."
Rev 1:9-13, 17-19
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (). Alleluia, alleluia! You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me; happy those who have not seen me, but still believe.
John 20:19-31

Image: Shutterstock licensed Item ID: 1055941625 Venezia (Venice), Italy. 2 February 2018. The painting of Resurrected Jesus Christ with Thomas the apostle and other apostles by Sebastiano Santi in 'Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli' church. Contributor: Adam Jan Figel

Please listen to the audio-recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers and homily), for Second Sunday of Easter. Year C. Divine Mercy Sunday - 24-Apr-22 by clicking this link here: (EPISODE:361 )
This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday, where we recall the absolute mercy and love that Jesus has for all humanity.

Speaking of God's divine mercy. God's mercy is better and more profound than any human mercy or compassion could even imagine. We cannot downplay the significance of how different Jesus' reunion with his disciples is after he rose from the dead, from how the expectations of the world might be… After all, Jesus had been betrayed and abandoned by most of his followers and almost all of his disciples. Only a few loyal women stayed with him through it all… his chosen disciples mostly scattered in fear. The one Jesus chose to be the rock on which he would build his church, denied him three times. Now he has risen and he returns to meet them. One would naturally expect, (if this were merely an earthly drama), that there would be revenge, retribution, or at least an extended session of guilt trips and finger-pointing. But no. And that is the miracle and the message of Christ. No recriminations, no punishments! There is not a hint of judgement in our Lord's return. He does not even punish Thomas for his doubt and the doubting apostles' demands before he would believe the news that Our Lord had indeed risen.

Christ meets Thomas where he is at.. and shows Thomas what he needed to be assured… he shows him his hands and side… That is mercy. That is compassion. It is also service and love. These are God's ways which are so very different from many of the ways of the world….

In the Easter narratives…. "The risen Jesus is encountered by different disciples in different situations and different ways….
• Mary Magdalene recognised the risen Jesus only when he called her by name.
• The two disciples travelling along the road towards Emmaus, did not realise WHO this stranger was who walked along with them…. until they saw him break bread ….. and then they realised that their hearts had already been burning with fervour as they had walked along the road….. but they had not recognised the signs of Christ's presence …. But the disciples would get better and better at recognising Christ in the Eucharist… and in the word of God and in the stranger… and in the burning energy of God's good news…
• and then again today….. some people do not recognise Jesus until they touch the wounds of the suffering one…..
May we continue to recognise Christ's presence, whenever we touch the woundedness of those around us and offer support and strength….

It could be argued that in fact it is not Jesus whom Thomas doubts, but rather, Thomas is expressing doubt in his fellow disciples.

So, this passage can also be saying, "do not be tempted to doubt the proclamation of the Disciples and your fellow believers"…. This is the constant message of the church throughout its two thousand and more years of history. That Jesus has truly risen! He is risen indeed! Even if we have not seen it for ourselves, or touched the very wounds of the risen Christ, we trust and believe in the firm and consistent testimony of those apostles who
did see him and who did touch his hand and side and took broken bread from his hands….and who watched the Lord also eat bread and fish himself - not as a spirit but as true flesh and blood human. And we believe in the words of the apostles which are written in scripture so that we now share in their message and believe, and also share fully in the life of the risen Lord, that Jesus offers us to us all….

We need the community…. And we need that important gathering together to unite our hearts and minds to that of Christ and his gospel…. We know implicitly that coming together as the Body of Christ, the church, is never an added extra… there is no such thing as a solo Christian… even when we work at times individually….we are nevertheless united in a common bond with Christ and one another. The community of disciples, the church, ensures that we are always one in Christ…. And not merely walking to the beat of our own individual drum………… nor making up our own faith and practice as we go.

Thomas, in the gospel, is so inspiring…. he doubted….but he did not leave…. he was still with the disciples the next week….. he struggled…..but the others did not reject him……. and Jesus strengthened him in his struggle and doubts……….. Thomas is a gift to us in another way. He shows us that the apostles were not gullible or foolish. What they experienced in the Risen Jesus was the experience of sensible people, just like you and me. Thinking people, who do not easily swallow everything we are told, but nevertheless, they truly did experience Jesus risen body and soul and this is what they have steadfastly passed on to all future generations. This is the testimony of sensible, deep-thinking people who know what they mean and mean what they say.

Today we know that Our Lord is certainly worth trusting in, and all His promises are true….. we can thank Thomas for Jesus confirming that for all future generations…. including us here and now….


Fr Paul W. Kelly;


Richard J. Leonard;


Image: Shutterstock licensed Item ID: 1055941625 Venezia (Venice), Italy. 2 February 2018. The painting of Resurrected Jesus Christ with Thomas the apostle and other apostles by Sebastiano Santi in 'Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli' church. Contributor: Adam Jan Figel

Second Sunday of Easter. Year C. Divine Mercy Sunday (24-Apr-22) (EPISODE: 361)
The Lord be with you.
{{May Our Lord's Mercy renew you.}}

my brothers and sisters, to prepare ourselves tocelebrate the sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sins.
Lord Jesus, you healed the sick:Lord, have mercy//Lord Jesus, you forgave sinners:Christ, have mercy//Lord Jesus, you give us yourself to heal us and bring us strength: Lord, have mercy.
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24. "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting."

Alleluia, alleluia! You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me; happy those who have not seen me, but still believe.

Memorial Acclamation
1. We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
Euch Prayer II
(pre+post variation: v2-short)
{Thanks for joining us for this time of prayer and reflection}

Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.

Archive of homilies and reflections:
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To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.
NB - It is often a week or so Ahead:

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Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" - By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria, Copyright © 2011

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly. Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

Sound Engineering and editing - P.W. Kelly.

Microphones: - RODE-NT-USB-mini

Editing equipment: NCH software - MixPad Multitrack Studio Recording Software
NCH – WavePad Audio Editing Software. Masters Edition v 12.44

Sound Processing: iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor

[Production - KER - 2022]
May God bless and keep you.
[ Production - KER - 2022]

May God bless and keep you.


Many thanks,

The Parish Team

(Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish sends these emails in order to speedily keep in touch with parishioners, including for the occasional urgent/emergency emails affecting parish schedules (which has come in handy already for several unexpected events in the past - which people were grateful to receive quickly - So, we ask that you please consider keeping subscribed to this mailing list, as it helps us keep in touch in all sorts of changing situations. We have had times when parishioners said they did not know of an important development within the parish and it turns out that they had opted out of this central email).

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