Monday, March 16, 2020

St Patrick, Bishop. 17 March. Solemnity

St Patrick, Bishop. 17 March. Solemnity
(This is a weekday Feast)

ST PATRICK, bishop (Seasonal colour- white). Mass of the Solemnity.   
Gloria, Creed, Preface of Holy Pastors.  (JB Lectionary, vol. 1, p. 979)


Jeremiah 1:4-9;

Ps 116. R. "Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News."

Acts 13:46-49;

Gospel Acclamation. (Luke 4:18-19). "Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord sent me to bring Good News to the poor, and freedom to prisoners. Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ!"

Luke 10:1-12,17-20

Image Credit: Shutterstock Licensed  stock illustration ID: 580108297 St Patrick, bishop, patron saint of Ireland. Abstract artistic digital illustration. By Thoom.
Please listen to my audio recordings of the readings, prayers and reflections for the Saint Patrick's Solemnity by clicking this link here:  (EPISODE:212)
We continue to pray for all people throughout the world - the many people- who are suffering due to the Coronavirus pandemic -  we pray for those who have died, that the Lord will receive them into his care. For bereaved family and friends. We also pray for everyone affected by this terrible illness, including everyone suffering the isolation the severe economic effects. May the Lord inspire people of goodwill to find practical solutions to help and heal and lessen the burdens of so many.

Today we commemorate Saint Patrick of Ireland. Born in Roman Britain around the end of the fourth century. He Died in Ireland about the middle of the fifth century. Faced hardship as a missionary bishop in Ireland, and opposition even from his friends and fellow Christians. Yet worked to unite and reconcile people, to evangelise, and to educate local chieftains and their families. Remembered for his simplicity and pastoral care, for his humble trust in God, and for his fearless preaching of the gospel to those who had enslaved him in his youth. Specially honoured in Australia because the many Irish people who came to settle here brought with them the faith and zeal of St Patrick. fittingly we now hear a hymn inspired by SAINT Patrick's prayer...  today I arise ....  and a happy feast day to my mum Patricia and all whose patron is St Patrick. Faith hope and love —-  
Listening - 
Empathy - Healing - Awareness – He was clearly aware of his own weaknesses and the culture of the Celtic Irish. Persuasion - His ability to convert strong leaders, Chieftains and Kings. Conceptualization – The use of the shamrock to articulate the Trinity. Foresight - The strategy he employed in charting his mission throughout Ireland, carefully choosing each step. Stewardship - He saw the future of Ireland and the care of its people as the core of his mission. Commitment to the growth of people - He trained clergy and so sustained and consolidated each location before moving on to the next.  Building community - The sites he used as Churches were at or near the seats of Chieftains and Kings, many were founded as monastic settlements and became population centres at a time when few existed.
 (taken from
**** in detail: 
Listening - The time he took to listen, talk and answer questions was a recurring theme.
Empathy - Based the trials of his own life his empathy was displayed when he encountered the trials of others. This was especially clear in his letter to Coroticus.
Healing - At the end of his Letter to Coroticus he offers the opportunity for them to repent, even after what they had done, the chance for healing.
Awareness – He was clearly aware of his own weaknesses and the culture of the Celtic Irish.
Persuasion - His ability to convert strong leaders, Chieftains and Kings.
Conceptualization – The use of the shamrock to articulate the Trinity.
Foresight - The strategy he employed in charting his mission throughout Ireland, carefully choosing each step.
Stewardship - He saw the future of Ireland and the care of its people as the core of his mission.
Commitment to the growth of people - He trained clergy and so sustained and consolidated each location before moving on to the next.
Building community - The sites he used as Churches were at or near the seats of Chieftains and Kings, many were founded as monastic settlements and became population centres at a time when few existed.
 (taken from

1.) "So I turned with all my heart to the Lord my God, and he looked down on my lowliness and had mercy on my youthful ignorance. He guarded me before I knew him, and before I came to wisdom and could distinguish between good and evil. He protected me and consoled me as a father does for his son." (Confessio, 2)
2.) "This is how we can repay such blessings when our lives change and we come to know God, to praise and bear witness to his great wonders before every nation under heaven." (Confessio, 3)
"This is the one we acknowledge and adore – one God in a Trinity of the sacred name." (Confessio, 4)

6.) "In the knowledge of this faith in the Trinity, and without letting the dangers prevent it, it is right to make known the gift of God and his eternal consolation. It is right to spread abroad the name of God faithfully and without fear, so that even after my death I may leave something of value to the many thousands of my brothers and sisters – the children whom I baptized in the Lord." (Confessio, 14)
7.) "I didn't deserve at all that the Lord would grant such great grace, after hardships and troubles, after the captivity, and after so many years among that people. It was something which, when I was young, I never hoped for or even thought of." (Confessio, 15)
 9.) "It was in the strength of God that I went – God who turned the direction of my life to good." (Confessio, 17)
10.) "For that reason, I give thanks to the one who strengthened me in all things, so that he would not impede me in the course I had undertaken and from the works also which I had learned from Christ my Lord." (Confessio, 30)
8.) "More and more the love of God increased, and my sense of awe before God." (Confessio, 16)
15.) "So I want to give thanks to God without ceasing." (Confessio, 46)________
Before I was humiliated I was like a stone that lies in deep mud, and he who is mighty came and in his compassion raised me up and exalted me very high and placed me on the top of the wall.
I am Patrick, a sinner, most uncultivated and least of all the faithful and despised in the eyes of many.
if I did or showed forth anything however small according to God's good pleasure; let this be your conclusion and let it so be thought, that - as is the perfect truth - it was the gift of God.
Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.
The Lord discovered to me a sense of my unbelief that, though late, I should remember my transgressions and that I should be converted with my whole heart to the Lord my God.
I only seek in my old age to perfect that which I had not before thoroughly learned in my youth, because my sins were a hindrance to me.
I plainly told them, 'Be ye sincerely converted, and with your whole heart, to the Lord our God, for nothing is impossible to Him, that He may today send you food on your road, even until you are satisfied, because He has everywhere abundance.' And, with God's help, it was so done: Behold! A herd of swine appeared on the road before our eyes.
I have a Creator who knew all things, even before they were made - even me, his poor little child.
I partly know why I have not led a perfect life like other believers. But I avow to my Lord, and I do not lie, that from the time when I first knew him, the love of God and the fear of him has grown in me from my youth so that I have, by the power of God, always till now kept the faith.
Let who will scoff and revile - I will not remain silent; neither will I conceal the signs and wonders which have been shown to me by the Lord, who knew all things even before the time of this world, many years before, just as they happened.
Sufficient for me is that honour which is not seen of men but is felt in the heart, as faithful is He who hath promised and who never lies.
I have had the good fortune through my God that I should never abandon his people whom I have acquired in the extremities of the earth.
I most certainly believe that it is the gift of God that I am what I am. And so I dwell amongst barbarians, a proselyte and an exile, for the love of God.
Believe Avarice is a deadly sin.
I was freeborn according to the flesh; I am born of a father who was a decurion, (
Roman cavalry officer in command of a squadron (turma)), but I sold my noble rank - I blush not to state it, nor am I sorry - for the profit of others. In short, I am a slave in Christ to a foreign nation for the unspeakable glory of the eternal life which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It was not any grace in me, but God that put this earnest care into my heart, that I should be one of the hunters or fishers whom long ago God foreshowed would come in the last days.
I see that already in this present world I am exalted above measure by the Lord. And I was not worthy nor such a one as that he should grant this to me since I know most surely that poverty and affliction become me better than delights and riches.
I have vowed to my God to teach the heathen, though I am despised by some.
 The Lord is greater than all: I have said enough.

(taken from  and

Fr Paul W. Kelly

(taken from  and

(taken from  

Image Credit: Shutterstock Licensed
Archive of homilies and reflections:
To contact Fr. Paul, please email:

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.
NB - It is often a week or so Ahead:

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul's homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection"  - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants  — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989,  and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009,  The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful -   " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'.   E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

{Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" -  by Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The ….Gloria,  copyright 2011 }

"Today I Arise" - For Patricia Kelly.  Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer.  Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

[ Production -  KER -  2020]

May God bless and keep you.
St Patrick, Bishop. 17 March. Solemnity
  (EPISODE: 212)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
{{May Our Lord's empathy abide in you.}}

My brothers and sisters, we have gathered to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, - so let us pause and reflect upon our sins, so as to rejoice in Gods loving mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to gather the nations into the peace of God's kingdom: Lord, have mercy// You come in word and in sacrament to strengthen us and make us holy: Christ, have mercy//You will come again in glory with salvation for your people: Lord, have

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.
Memorial Acclamation
1. We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord.

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