Friday, April 19, 2019

Catholic 729: Good Friday Friday of the Passion of the Lord 3 PM - 2019

Good Friday Friday of the Passion of the Lord 3 PM -  2019 

Image: by  Romolo Tavani Shutterstock used with permission, under license. photo ID: 1034009389. Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ At Sunrise - Three Crosses On Hill - Image

Please listen to my audio recordings of the readings, prayers, and reflections for Good Friday Passion -  by clicking this link here:    (EPISODE: 152 )

First Reading: Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12
Psalm: Ps 30:2. 6. 12-13. 15-17. 25. "Father, I put my life in your hands"
Second Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
Gospel Acclamation: Philippians 2:8-9
Passion: John 18:1 - 19:42
Solemn Intercessions
Veneration of the Cross
Departure in Silence
(Traditionally on Holy Friday, a special collection is taken up in support of the upkeep of the Holy Places in the Holy Lands. For more information, please see:
By Purely earthly standards, Our Lord's ministry when it ended with his execution on the Cross, would have been judged (by purely HUMAN standards) to have been an unmitigated disaster and a monumental failure.  (That is if one only looks at his ministry and death with the short-sightedness of earthly eyes). His ministry was very brief...  possibly only three years long,  and no longer than six years. At the end of this time, most of his followers scattered, one of his closest disciples betrayed him, and the leader Christ had handpicked had denied him three times and fled. In addition, Jesus was arrested like a common bandit and was wrongly accused of Blasphemy and of being a dangerous heretic. he was also unjustly charged with treason towards the Roman Emperor.  He was executed as a common criminal.  
Human law was a bit ambivalent here, though. Because even human law found him innocent. He was declared not guilty by the highest human authority of that area - governor Pontius Pilate.  nevertheless, he was still executed. 

By earthly standards, Jesus was assumed to be a criminal, a failure, and a blasphemer.  He was considered like a person cursed.  He was considered to be outside of God's people and sentenced to be damned for all time.   

But this is why today and the Passion of our Lord is the greatest example of two things:  1.  Appearances can be deceiving.  and 

2.  God's ways are not like human ways. God's idea of true success and glory do not always follow the way of the world.  
So, for anyone and for all people who have ever been brought down by the capricious standards of purely human judgement...  if one has ever suffered judgement or condemnation by the world as being a failure or a lost cause or an outsider.. today's Passion gives new sight,  new meaning and new hope ... for God has the final say and it is surprising ......
Christ is the visible expression of God.  And, as we commemorate the solemn festival of Our Lord's suffering and death..  we see that Jesus shows us God's love (which is deeper and more heartfelt than anyone could ever fathom)… and he is the visible expression of God's mercy, compassion, and kindness… Christ is also the expression of God's Kingdom, God's priorities and values…  and they are beautifully different from what the world often values highest….    

our Lord shows us that God is complete, self-sacrificing love and mercy…  Christ is "self-emptying love and service for others"….   Jesus is about giving the very last drop of his blood out of love and service to others….  
Through Christ's suffering and death, we are saved..  we are freed..  we are forgiven..  we are given hope to endure all the many "little deaths" and trials and suffering of this world..  For God has the final say.. and it is a profound word of hope and love…  
In a short while we will come forward to show reverence to the wood of the Holy Cross….. each in our own way...   some with a touch, some with a bow,,  some kissing the wood of the cross,,, we show our individual veneration of the Cross…   We nail, as it were, to the cross of Christ, all our sins..  our trials..  our temptations..  our failings..  our doubts..  our pride.. our selfishness.. our lack of compassion..  our failures to love…   our illness..   our worries..  our thwarted priorities….  

We also think of all who suffer pain, poverty, injustice, sorrow...  we pray for all whose lives are treated without respect or dignity,,,  even those nameless people suffering without any regard to the fact that God loves everyone and not one single person's life is undeserving of respect and dignity. Jesus death on the cross speaks on behalf of all who suffer p, especially those most invisible, those most forgotten. They are never forgotten by God, nor should they ever be by us. Christ's death on the cross reminds every generation that those who appear to think they are denying dignity and respect to anyone in this life are wrong. And God suffers with them and will raise them up with him. Violence and hatred only appear to have the last word but actually, God does. And that word is faithfulness, love, dignity. 
When it comes time to venerate the cross,  each of us is invited to think (quietly to oneself and to God, who is in the secret places of our heart)… Think of what you are nailing to the cross as you come forward, for Christ died to save us…  to include us…  to show us God's mercy and that God is faithful…   yes..  even in our darkest hour…..    
Fr Paul W. Kelly

Image by  Romolo Tavani Shutterstock used with permission, under license. photo ID: 1034009389. Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ At Sunrise - Three Crosses On Hill - Image
Archive of homilies and reflections:
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To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.
NB - It is often a week or so Ahead:

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Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope, and Love,  A time of Christian worship and reflection"  - Led by Rev Paul W. Kelly
Texts used in this programme are for the purposes of worship and prayer for listeners wherever you are.
Prayers and chants are taken from the English Translation of the Roman Missal, edition three, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy.
Scriptures are from the New Revised Standard Version: © 1989,  by the national council of Churches of Christ, USA. , //adaptations to conform with Catholic liturgical norms, © 2009, by the same.

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Production by Kelly Enterprises Resources. 

May God bless and keep you.


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