Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Catholic 705 : Third Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 16 December 2018

Homily Third Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 16 December 2018

First Reading. Zep 3:14-18. Shout for joy, sing joyfully.

Responsorial Psalm. Is 12:2-6 R. v.6. Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.
Second Reading. Phil 4:4-7. Rejoice, the Lord is near.
Gospel Acclamation. Is 61:1 (Lk 4:18)
Gospel. Lk 3:10-18. John announces the coming of the Messiah.
Please listen to my audio recordings of the readings, prayers and reflections for the Third Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 16 December 2018 by clicking this link here:   https://soundcloud.com/user-633212303/advent-3c-16th-dec-2018-2018-episode-129  (EPISODE: 129)
Hardly a week goes by where the whole world is not shocked by yet another unspeakable acts of violence, especially towards those who are defenseless and vulnerable.  What has gone so wrong in the minds of people that such murderous, callous violence on a huge scale happens so often?  

Let us pray for people suffering the effects of hatred, violence, destruction, and war.  May those who die from senseless acts of violence be taken to the place of peace and rest in the compassionate arms of Our Lord.  Let us pray and work together, inspired by those prayers, that the world will find new and better ways to put an end to this violence and devastation and bring peace and safety to all peoples’ lives.  The world has been blessed by God’s gift of inspiration and genius to so many people of goodwill and love who work constantly to create a better world and reach out to those in need. People who desire to fill in the valleys of prejudice and hatred, and level the mountains of ignorance, selfishness, and pride.  Let us pray that these minds and hearts will prevail. 

The mark of a civilized nation is surely to be found in how it cares for and protects its most vulnerable members.  Let us continue to build a safer, and non-violent society that absolutely values life and protects all its members, especially the young and vulnerable. 

There is something really re-assuring and pleasant about today’s gospel.
In the readings, this weekend, the tone of Advent lightens particularly. There is a theme of gladness in the air.  The readings speak of rejoicing. The approaching Birth of the Lord brings joy.  Even the name for this Sunday is traditionally known as “Rejoice Sunday” –

In this time of Advent reflection, there is building excitement for the imminent celebration of the birth of our Lord.

When we look at the readings, it is interesting to note that the REASON why we should rejoice and be glad is not that everything is going well, (although good fortune and success are even further cause of joy and thanksgiving), but in the Scriptures, we rejoice and are glad BECAUSE “God is near.”   No Matter what is happening:  success or failure, sickness or health, freedom or oppression, God is always with us, and very near to us. Our God comes to us to sustain us and to save us, and to grant us forgiveness and hope.  Also, God gives us, in answer to all our prayers PEACE.   St Paul refers to this, when he writes, ‘don’t worry, but if anything is needed, ask for it and God will grant you his peace!”  the first response God offers us no matter what our prayers and requests is Peace.

Saint John the Baptist is getting everyone prepared for the coming of the Messiah. He tells everyone, repent of your sins, change your ways, the Lord is near.  And the people, of all different jobs and stations in life, ask the natural question:  Okay if we are to change, what must we do?   This is a question we all ask,  “Lord, show us what to do to make the changes you desire in our lives.”

John shows us the changes:
Share food and material goods with those who have nothing.
Act fairly, justly and honestly with others.
Never act with intimidation or threat.
Avoid disgruntlement, envy, dissatisfaction, jealousy and criticism, and negativity.
(And so many wonderfully practical actions and attitudes that show the reverence we have to our God of justice and mercy, which flows through to how we treat each other.....)

God our Father knows that we are not perfect and that only with His grace can we respond daily to His love. Every day our Father invites us again to trust in Him and to seek His help so that we can grow deeper in practical ways in faithfulness and love.

I think of Mary, the Mother of God, (who does not feature in today’s Gospel but who does feature in the readings over the coming week)….    The Gospels say in several places that Mary “treasured all these things in her heart.”  Mary treasured or pondered the things that were happening, even when some of the events that were occurring were not exactly happy things…   

Mary treasured things in her heart that were confusing, and alarming, and disorienting, but she treasured everything because she utterly trusted in God’s love and care. Mary constantly pondered the fact that God was near her and was faithful to her.  Let us rejoice and take heart that the nearness of the Lord always, (particularly at this coming Christmas time), will sustain and strengthen us in good times and bad.

We are promised peace and God’s nearness to us as we stay attentive to God’s ways and active in justice and compassion. God’s inner peace does not necessarily promise that all will go well in our environment and our world, but God’s inner peace will sustain us and guide us in times of both tranquility and outer turmoil. God’s peace will be given to us in our constant combination of prayer and thanksgiving.  God’s grace will lift us up in times of joy and celebration,  and also God’s grace will sustain, help us through, and carry us in times of trouble
Fr Paul W. Kelly

Archive of homilies and reflections:  http://homilycatholic.blogspot.com.au
To contact Fr. Paul: 

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.
Please note - It is often a week or so Ahead: 

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul’s homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
“Faith, Hope and Love,  A time of Christian worship and reflection”  - Led by Rev Paul W. Kelly
Texts used in this programme are for the purposes of worship and prayer for listeners wherever you are.
Prayers and chants are taken from the English Translation of the Roman Missal, edition three, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy.
Scriptures are from the New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, by the national council of Churches of Christ, USA. , //adaptations to conform with Catholic liturgical norms, © 2009, by the same.

Psalm verses are taken from “The Psalms: the Grail Translation. Inclusive Language Version.” ©1963, 1995, 2004 The Grail (England), published by HarperCollins. London.

Prayers of the Faithful are adapted from Robert Borg’s 1993 book “Together we pray”. Published in Sydney Australia By  E.J. Dwyer. (out of print).
Photo by Anton Lecock on Unsplash

{ “Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin” -published 2011,  Composed and Sung by Jeffrey M. Ostrowski   
Featuring the….Gloria

“Faith, Hope and Love” theme Hymn:   Words, based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, set to original music © 1996 by Paul W. Kelly.

Christian Pics Licensed Photographs. Images Used in accordance with Licence. All Rights Reserved by the Licensor.

Freely Photos website. All photos published on Freely Photos have been gathered as licensed under Creative Commons Zero, or equivalent. Images Used in accordance with Licence. All Rights Reserved by the Licensor. 

For more details please visit
Contact us at
Production by Kelly Enterprises Resources. 

May God bless and keep you.

Third Sunday Advent. Year C
Sunday, 16 December 2018)   (EPISODE: 129 )

Cry Out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and holy one of Israel

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (or/ The Lord be with You)
Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Kyrie eleison/ christe eleison/ kyrie eleison
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.

Memorial Acclamation

Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.


Advent 2

Euch prayer III

Communion side.  pwk: 
Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.

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Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Catholic 704 : Second Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 9 December 2018

Homily Second Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 9 December 2018

First Reading: Baruch 5:1-9
Psalm: Ps 125. Psalm: Ps 24:4-5. 8-9.10.14. “
The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.
Second Reading: Philippians 1:3-6. 8-11
Gospel Acclamation: Luke 3:4. 6
Gospel: Luke 3:1- 6
Please listen to my audio recordings of the readings, prayers, and reflections for the Second Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 9 December 2018 by clicking this link here:   https://soundcloud.com/user-633212303/advent-2c-9nd-dec-2018-2018-episode-128  (EPISODE: 128)
John the Baptist boldly proclaims that the Messiah's arrival (long foretold and expected for generations), was now imminent.

The image of roads being straightened and mountains levelled is a great image about a journey. All humans are on a lifelong journey towards God’s house where we are all invited to be members of God’s family. The straight paths, the flattened mountains, the filled in valleys also makes it quite clear that all people are called and invited; people of every race, nation and language, and religion are invited. The paths must be straight to allow people to approach and to allow us to approach God.

“men and women who are more equal and more respectful of others dignity, are the best way for God’s salvation to come.” [II]

It is TIME.

Time to get ready for the arrival of the Son of Man; the Lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world. It is time to prepare the way, and level the mountains, and straighten the pathways. It is TIME, to repent of our sins and be ready to welcome God's chosen one and his Kingdom.

It is one thing to repent of our sins out of fear – fear of God's punishment or anger. But it is quite another to repent of our sins and wrongdoing because we are so sorry that our sin has grieved God's heart and worked against the values of the Kingdom. There is nothing quite so devastating as seeing a parent disappointed and let down by our actions. That cuts deeper than anything. God’s disappointment can spur us on to love more closely according to God’s vision, than merely doing the right thing out of a sense of duty.

We want to repent and be better, more loving, more just and more forgiving, faithful children of God, not because we fear God's anger and punishment but because we love God, and God loves us infinitely. And we cannot bear to cause God grief and disappointment when we may not have lived up to the ways that God lovingly calls us to live.

The readings give us some food for thought. There are a few really beautiful lines of Scripture: The Lord will grant us "Peace through integrity, and honour through devotion" -- This is the way of true peace from God: by walking in the ways of integrity and doing what is right, come what may. Despite the storms and shocks of life, God’s peace is attained from being united with Christ, and walking in his ways of justice and love. God’s peace will sustain and guide us.

Our conscientiousness and devotion to the Word of God, and to prayer and good works will give us fulfilment in a way that nothing else could.
And the wonderful words of St Paul from the second reading, (it is one of the most beautiful and touching passages in the Scriptures) : “My prayer is that your love for each other may increase more and more, and never stop improving your knowledge and deepening your perception so that you can always recognise what is best.”

May we always do what is best by an increase of knowledge and perception that can only come from a deepening (day by day) of our love. That theme of ever-deepening love and practical kindness has been flowing through the Scriptures of late, and rightly so. It reminds me of that other quote from Scripture. "By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another." (John 13:35).

The central trait and quality of a true Christian, (a disciple of Christ, and friend of Jesus), is not first and foremost a merely visible keeping of every rule and regulation, not first of all their bold and unbending speaking out against all that is wrong and bad in the world. Our discipleship is not primarily about the eloquence, length or frequency of one's daily prayers, (for as St Paul said elsewhere: “if I did all those things but did them without love, it would do me NO GOOD whatsoever!!” Being a more loving, compassionate, merciful and reverent person, and deepening our love that derives from God who is love, and having the fruits of that love show in our words, our actions and our priorities and choices … now THAT is something .. in fact, that is everything…

In this coming week, let us ask God to show us the paths that need straightening.. the barriers that need lowering… For this is the time and season for intense and urgent preparation and conversion so that we might love more deeply, as Christ does, and so that everything we do may flow from and find its source and destination in God, who is LOVE.




Archive of homilies and reflections:  http://homilycatholic.blogspot.com.au
To contact Fr. Paul: 

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.
Please note - It is often a week or so Ahead: 

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul’s homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash
Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
“Faith, Hope and Love,  A time of Christian worship and reflection”  - Led by Rev Paul W. Kelly
Texts used in this programme are for the purposes of worship and prayer for listeners wherever you are.
Prayers and chants are taken from the English Translation of the Roman Missal, edition three, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy.
Scriptures are from the New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, by the national council of Churches of Christ, USA. , //adaptations to conform with Catholic liturgical norms, © 2009, by the same.

Psalm verses are taken from “The Psalms: the Grail Translation. Inclusive Language Version.” ©1963, 1995, 2004 The Grail (England), published by HarperCollins. London.

Prayers of the Faithful are adapted from Robert Borg’s 1993 book “Together we pray”. Published in Sydney Australia By  E.J. Dwyer. (out of print).

{ “Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin” -published 2011,  Composed and Sung by Jeffrey M. Ostrowski   
Featuring the….Gloria

“Faith, Hope and Love” theme Hymn:   Words, based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, set to original music © 1996 by Paul W. Kelly.

Christian Pics Licensed Photographs. Images Used in accordance with Licence. All Rights Reserved by the Licensor.

Freely Photos website. All photos published on Freely Photos have been gathered as licensed under Creative Commons Zero, or equivalent. Images Used in accordance with Licence. All Rights Reserved by the Licensor. 

For more details please visit
Contact us at
Production by Kelly Enterprises Resources. 

May God bless and keep you.

Second Sunday Advent. Year C
Sunday, 9 December 2018)   (EPISODE: 128 )

The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.

The Lord be with you.
In this season of Advent, we feature an Advent Wreath – with its candles and green branches— it is a reminder of God's promise to our world: Christ, our Light, and our Hope, will come.
(we light the second Advent Candle ****)
2nd CANDLE – (purple)
THE BETHLEHEM CANDLE or THE CANDLE OF PREPARATION – God kept his promise of a Savior who would be born in Bethlehem.
O Key of David, O Flower of Jesse’s stem.... commanding at your will the gates of Heaven: O royal Power of Israel...Come, break down the prison walls - for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death; and lead your captive people into freedom.

Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Kyrie eleison/ christe eleison/ kyrie eleison
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.

Memorial Acclamation

When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.


Advent 1

Euch Prayer II

Communion side.  pwk: 
Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Catholic 703 : First Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 2 December 2018

The Beginning of the Church’s Calendar Year.

{Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash}


First Reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm: Ps 24:4-5. 8-9.10.14. “
To you O Lord I lift my soul
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2
Gospel Acclamation: Ps 84:8
Gospel: Luke 21:25-28. 34-36
++++Please listen to my audio recordings of the readings, prayers and reflections for the First Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 2 December 2018 by clicking this link here:   https://soundcloud.com/user-633212303/advent-c1-2nd-dec-2018-2018-episode-127  (Season III, EPISODE: 127)

The Church’s year has a timing different from the usual calendar year.  This weekend, with the first Sunday of Advent, the new liturgical year for the Church begins.  We have a three-year cycle of readings for each new year. 

The Church’s liturgical year begins with Advent, in anticipation of the birth of Christ.   Every year we focus upon and read continuously through a particular gospel. 

The weekend cycle covers three years, year A (Matthew’s Gospel), Year B (Mark’s Gospel), and year C (Luke – which begins next week). If you are wondering why there isn’t a four-year cycle (with John’s Gospel as the fourth),  it is because John’s Gospel, so rich in theology and the latest of the four gospels is spread through all the years and is especially fitting in the Lent, Easter and Christmas seasons.

The readings are fairly continuous, although parts are not included, largely due to repetition, or to fit the asymmetrical nature of the Bible into a neat three-year cycle. There may be some jumping about so that the old testament readings are often placed in the same weekend next to a gospel passage with similar, contrasting or expanded themes.

The Beauty of our Continuous Cycle of Readings.

In the Catholic Church, and in fact most of the mainstream Christian Churches, there is a set cycle of readings. Our “lectionary” is actually the Bible divided up into regular installments. The great thing about this is that, over a three-year cycle, we cover most of the old and new testament readings. The weekday readings are also a cycle (independent of the weekends) which covers a two year’s period. In the weekday cycle, the first reading changes and the gospel is the same for the same weekday of the year, irrespective of whether it be year 1 or 2).

The advantage of this way of choosing readings is twofold: we progressively hear from the breadth of the scriptures and not just the ‘old favourites.’ The other reason is that we let the Word of God “choose us” and not “us choose the word of God.” If we arbitrarily choose the readings for each weekend, it could open up the scriptures to all sorts of watering-down. For example, some texts are more challenging and less pleasant than others. How many times have you seen when a group is choosing the readings for a liturgy that they will skip over an option because the subject matter is “not pleasant” or deemed “irrelevant”. In fact, most scriptures are relevant, if we sit with them and ponder their often challenging meaning.

Admittedly, some passages seem more readily relevant than others, but this can be a great trap. Also, for the preacher, it could be a temptation to pick readings that are easier, more entertaining, or more engaging to preach upon. But, in the end, surely the Word of God needs to be let free to set the agenda and not us. Also, a challenging word from the bible can be neutralized if people think that the preacher or others have chosen a particular passage to “get a point across.” So, in our system, if a reading seems uncannily topical, it is not chosen by the minister, it is the action of the Spirit, who enlivens the Word of God contained in the Scriptures.

Message from Archbishop:

An Advent Pastoral Letter

             At a time when the average age of Catholics in Australia is 59, it has been good to celebrate the Year of Youth which is now coming to an end.  Perhaps it would’ve been better to have a decade of youth, but the year was a promising start. 

             One thing that happened in the Year of Youth was the world-wide Synod of Bishops in Rome, which showed that Pope Francis has his finger on the pulse.  It was different from other Synods because this time young people took part and spoke with their own voice.  The rest of the Church, especially the bishops, was invited to listen.

             Not just in Rome but everywhere, the Year of Youth has been a time for the whole Church to listen to the voices of young people who often feel unheard in the Church.  The young inhabit different cultural, social and religious worlds than do those of us who are older.  But their deepest hopes and longings, even if expressed in different accents, are familiar to us all, because they are so deeply human. 

             Those hopes and longings find voice in a special way through the days of Advent when the whole Church cries out, “Come, Lord Jesus!”  In the end, all of us, young and old, yearn for Jesus, often in ways we scarcely recognise.  Who of us doesn’t want peace and joy?  We all do, because the human heart is made for them.  But they can be found only in the encounter with the Risen Lord, apart from whom we find only cosmetic peace and cosmetic joy.  But there’s nothing cosmetic in him, which is why the restless heart finds rest in him. 

             The Year of Youth has been a time for whole Catholic community – lay people, religious, deacons, priests, bishops – to reach out to meet young people where they are, walk with them on the way and listen to them as we take the road together.  At times we’ve done this well, at other times less well, perhaps slipping back into ways we hoped we’d left behind.  But everything that’s been done has been only the start of a long journey together.

             As we enter the time of Advent and Christmas this year, I encourage you to engage afresh with family and friends, learning to listen to them in new ways, especially to those who are younger.  We won’t always get it right, but the more we open the ears of our heart, the more we discover the power of listening to one another, as we allow God to transform us through other people.  That’s the grace God offers through the season of Advent and Christmas.

             Listening to each other means telling our stories to each other.  We are often very private about our faith, but young people need to hear our story of faith, our journey of discipleship.  You may think you have nothing much to share, but that’s not what others think, especially the young. 

             Telling the story of our faith can make us vulnerable, but there’s nothing to fear in that, because often to tell of our vulnerability is to tell the story of our true strength and the power of God’s mercy in our life.  To love others means to hear their story, and to let them hear ours.

             Love means being vulnerable and allowing others to be vulnerable before us.
Look for ways and moments, then, when you can speak of what God has done and is doing in your life.  Bear witness in that way as you walk with young people on the journey of faith.  You’ll be surprised by the effect it has, and you’ll grow stronger by your truth-telling.  As I’ve said elsewhere: “If the young are given the right experience, then the Catholic Church is still the greatest show on earth and Jesus as irresistibly attractive now as he ever was”.  You need to be part of that experience.

             By the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Year of Youth in Australia has coincided with preparations for the Plenary Council in 2020.  The Plenary Council is about the future of the Catholic Church in Australia – the whole Church, which is what the unusual word “plenary” means.  Pope Francis often speaks of the need for us to become a “synodal” Church.  That’s another unusual word, but it means a Church where God speaks not just to some of the bishops some of the time but to all the baptised all the time.  In that sense, the Plenary Council has already begun, because it’s more a process than an event.  The process has three phases – preparation, celebration and implementation; and the first phase of preparation is well and truly under way

             A Plenary Council isn’t just a talkfest or a political jamboree.  It’s the whole Church gathered by the Holy Spirit in order to make decisions about the future according to the mind of God.  This means we’re on a journey of discernment, seeking to listen to the voice of the Spirit to see what the Spirit is saying to us about the future.

             As we prepare for the Plenary Council, we’re offered an opportunity to enter more deeply into dialogue with one another.  In the Gospels, Jesus knows what is in a person (cf John 2:24) and how to listen to what the heart of the other is saying.  Jesus doesn’t begin with a big pronouncement; he takes time to engage with people and usually starts with a question.

             We too need to be a people who know how to engage with others as Jesus did, to listen before we speak, lest we talk at people rather than with them.  As one theologian has said: “This pilgrim Church will be most faithful to its truest identity when all the baptised acknowledge the wisdom of listening before speaking, of learning before teaching, of praying before pronouncing” (Richard Gaillardetz, Jamison, 2013, p. 55).

             So as the Year of Youth comes to an end, we remain faithful to the path traced by the Holy Spirit through these twelve months, listening before we speak, learning before we teach and praying before we pronounce.   Following that path, we will come to recognise and adore the Child who is God-with-us, the newborn Saviour who is “joy for all the people”
(Luke 2:10).

Homily First Sunday Advent. Year C - Sunday, 2 December 2018
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

In the Name of the Father (+) and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Lord be with you.
[Presider blesses the wreath with the sprinkling of holy water, using these words]:
Presider:   As we begin our Advent Journey, in preparation for Christmas,
We bless this Advent Wreath.
May the sprinkling of this water remind all of us gathered here of our first sharing in the grace of baptism.

During this time of Advent may we prepare for the Lord’s coming
with open hearts and minds. May this wreath be a symbol to us (+) of this time of prayerful watching and waiting For the coming of the Lord.
Presider now blesses the wreath and sprinkles it with holy water
We now light the candle for the 1st Sunday of Advent . The “Prophet’s Candle” Symbol of Hope.  Reminding us that Jesus is coming.
{Presider takes taper and lights first candle on Advent wreath}. .
Lord Jesus your coming was proclaimed by the prophets of old. Lord Have Mercy.
Lord Jesus, you promise to keep us steady until the last day. .Christ Have Mercy.
You instruct us to be ever-watchful. Lord, Have Mercy.
(no Gloria in Advent)
Homily – Fr Paul Kelly: 
Advent has begun. 
A new church year has also begun. 
It is a time of renewal and ‘new beginnings.” 
From a church perspective, now is the best time to bring out those inspiring ‘new year resolutions’ (Christian-style), and for us to ask God to direct and guide us as we immerse ourselves deeper, (and deeper, each day), into the reality of God’s love, compassion , mercy and justice. 

We have commenced our four-week preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord. It is such a short time of preparation that we have to be vigilant, because the busyness of the season could easily mean that we “blink and miss it.” 

The readings this weekend are all about preparing and being ‘ready’ and ‘staying awake’ and being watchful.

I particularly like Saint Paul’s words in the second reading:
“May the Lord be generous in increasing your love and make you love one another and the whole human race as much as we love you. And may he so confirm your hearts in holiness …. (And to) make more and more progress in the kind of life that you are meant to live: the life that God wants….” (JB)

The whole purpose, point and goal of our “lives of faith,” is to continue along the path of loving our God by means of deepening our love and reverence for one another.

Our attitudes, our thoughts, and actions are intended to foster each day an ever-deeper love, charity and concern for all our fellow brother and sister; that is, all people. 

What a wonderful calling. To strive (with God’s grace), to be everything God desires us to be. We are called to grow daily in love, goodwill, peace, and forgiveness.

The readings also ask us some important questions: Do you believe that God will indeed fulfill his solemn promises to us? Do you truly believe that in the end, God will come in power and glory to establish in its fullness the Heavenly Kingdom of God’s peace, justice and mercy? Do you believe that ultimately, honesty, peace, integrity, and love will be at the centre of all creation, through Christ? 

Come, Lord Jesus, teach us your truth and love. Establish your Kingdom in its fullness. 

Fr Paul W. Kelly

Archive of homilies and reflections:  http://homilycatholic.blogspot.com.au
To contact Fr. Paul: 

To listen to my weekly homily audio podcast, please click this link here.
Please note - It is often a week or so Ahead: 

You are welcome to subscribe to Fr Paul’s homily mail-out by sending an email to this address:

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
“Faith, Hope and Love,  A time of Christian worship and reflection”  - Led by Rev Paul W. Kelly
Texts used in this programme are for the purposes of worship and prayer for listeners wherever you are.
Prayers and chants are taken from the English Translation of the Roman Missal, edition three, © 2010, The International commission on English in the liturgy.
Scriptures are from the New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, by the national council of Churches of Christ, USA. , //adaptations to conform with Catholic liturgical norms, © 2009, by the same.

Psalm verses are taken from “The Psalms: the Grail Translation. Inclusive Language Version.” ©1963, 1995, 2004 The Grail (England), published by HarperCollins. London.

Prayers of the Faithful are adapted from Robert Borg’s 1993 book “Together we pray”. Published in Sydney Australia By  E.J. Dwyer. (out of print).

{ “Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin” -published 2011,  Composed and Sung by Jeffrey M. Ostrowski 
Featuring the….Gloria

“Faith, Hope and Love” theme Hymn:   Words, based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, set to original music © 1996 by Paul W. Kelly.

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash
Christian Pics Licensed Photographs. Images Used in accordance with Licence. All Rights Reserved by the Licensor. https://christianpics.co/

Freely Photos website. All photos published on Freely Photos have been gathered as licensed under Creative Commons Zero, or equivalent. Images Used in accordance with Licence. All Rights Reserved by the Licensor. 

For more details please visit
Contact us at
Production by Kelly Enterprises Resources. 

May God bless and keep you.

First Sunday Advent. Year C
Sunday, 2 December 2018)   (EPISODE: 127 )

To you O Lord I lift my soul

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
Kyrie eleison/ christe eleison/ kyrie eleison
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.  Amen.

Memorial Acclamation

We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.


Advent 1

Eucharistic Prayer II

Communion side.  pwk: 
Go forth, the Mass is ended.